1963 340 HP heat riser valve

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  • Richard G.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 1, 1984
    • 1708

    1963 340 HP heat riser valve

    Hello Everyone;
    I have a 1963 340 HP heat riser valve all mounted up. Everything seems to be original to the car with the exception of the H/R valve. It has been so long I am not sure where I purchased the valve from. There doesn't seem to be room enough to operate the valve by hand, the counter weight hits. I have included a picture that might explain my situation better. Can anyone identify what my issue might be?
    Rick in WA State.
    Attached Files
  • Timothy B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 1, 1983
    • 5172

    Re: 1963 340 HP heat riser valve


    You have the valve on upside down, turn it over so the weight faces outboard someone will probably post a picture.


    • Mike M.
      NCRS Past President
      • June 1, 1974
      • 8331

      Re: 1963 340 HP heat riser valve

      also looks like the pin is missing that prevents the counterweight from going beyond its limits. the brass nuts are atypical also. mike


      • Richard G.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • August 1, 1984
        • 1708

        Re: 1963 340 HP heat riser valve

        Originally posted by Timothy Barbieri (6542)

        You have the valve on upside down, turn it over so the weight faces outboard someone will probably post a picture.
        I had a feeling I was going to learn something, and it wasn't how smart I am!
        It is interesting to note that everything almost clears the weight.... Had me over thinking the vale.
        I will turn it around and post another picture, with the correct steel nuts.
        Will check on the stop at the same time.
        This motor was assembled in 1986, working on the needed corrections.
        No it wasn't running this way. Thanks everyone for the input.
        Rick in WA State


        • Joe L.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • February 1, 1988
          • 43129

          Re: 1963 340 HP heat riser valve

          Originally posted by Richard Geier (7745)
          I had a feeling I was going to learn something, and it wasn't how smart I am!
          It is interesting to note that everything almost clears the weight.... Had me over thinking the vale.
          I will turn it around and post another picture, with the correct steel nuts.
          Will check on the stop at the same time.
          This motor was assembled in 1986, working on the needed corrections.
          No it wasn't running this way. Thanks everyone for the input.
          Rick in WA State


          There's a very easy way to determine top from bottom on a heat riser valve. The orifice on the bottom has a pronounced chamfer (for the seating of the "donut" gasket). On the top side there is no chamfer.
          In Appreciation of John Hinckley


          • Leif A.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • September 1, 1997
            • 3567

            Re: 1963 340 HP heat riser valve

            And, unless you're concerned about about judging points, I would continue to use the brass nuts...much easier to remove as they will never rust solid to the studs.
            '67 Coupe L79, M21, C60, N14, N40, J50, A31, U69, A01, QB1
            Top Flight 2017 Lone Star Regional


            • Richard G.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • August 1, 1984
              • 1708

              Re: 1963 340 HP heat riser valve

              Well I pulled the heat riser off today to turn it around and the beveled end was down and the flat up. It can not be rotated without hitting the frame. I am wondering if I have the correct valve. It is on the correct side and the pin that stops the valve is intact, just can't be seen from the angle I took the picture. I am including a picture of the valve removed from the 340 hp motor.
              Attached Files


              • Joe L.
                Beyond Control Poster
                • February 1, 1988
                • 43129

                Re: 1963 340 HP heat riser valve


                This heat riser valve appears to me to be correctly configured for your application. I do not understand why you're having the installation problems.
                In Appreciation of John Hinckley


                • Mike M.
                  NCRS Past President
                  • June 1, 1974
                  • 8331

                  Re: 1963 340 HP heat riser valve

                  i tend to agree with joe based on yer photos but i'd like to see multiple side views of the riser before committing. mike


                  • Joe L.
                    Beyond Control Poster
                    • February 1, 1988
                    • 43129

                    Re: 1963 340 HP heat riser valve

                    Originally posted by Mike McCagh (14)
                    i tend to agree with joe based on yer photos but i'd like to see multiple side views of the riser before committing. mike


                    Just to be clear, I was only commenting on the pictured heat riser valve being functionality correct for the application, not necessarily being correct with respect to every nuance of originality.
                    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


                    • Timothy B.
                      Extremely Frequent Poster
                      • May 1, 1983
                      • 5172

                      Re: 1963 340 HP heat riser valve


                      The weight should be at the rear when installed and swing down from the outboard side. Check the clocking on the studs.


                      • Richard M.
                        Super Moderator
                        • September 1, 1988
                        • 11242

                        Re: 1963 340 HP heat riser valve

                        In photo 1 it appears to me that the valve was mounted correctly with flat face up with a flat gasket between the manifold and the valve, along with the beveled edge down to mate with a donut to the downpipe. However there are 2 issues....

                        1- The counterweight on yours has swung beyond the stop pin. Carefully rotate it so that those 2 tabs at the Y shaped end are between the stop pin, and carefully bend the stop pin toward the Y shaped end. Test swing the counterweight to see that it doesn't swing beyond the pin and stops at both ends of the Y.

                        The valve can be installed in one of three orientations to the manifold as there are 3 equally spaced studs, but it's designed to be installed in only one of the three.

                        2- Yours was mounted to the manifold in the wrong configuration. Looking from below in your first photo, rotate it Clockwise 1/3 rotation and mount it so that the counterweight assembly is facing the right/outbound side of the car. This will put the swinging end of the counterweight towards the rear of the car and will not obstruct with the starter.

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