Differences between 68 thru 72 SB Hoods - NCRS Discussion Boards

Differences between 68 thru 72 SB Hoods

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  • Dennis H.
    • September 30, 2005
    • 226

    Differences between 68 thru 72 SB Hoods


    l'm looking for a used OEM hood for my 1971 SB Coupe and it would appear not all 68-72 SB hoods are the same. All the vendors list hoods as 68-69 and 70-72 but I'm also finding out that the 71 and 72 hoods are different at the hood prop location area.

    From a OEM Hood perspective what years should I be looking for for this 71?

  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 31, 1988
    • 43160

    Re: Differences between 68 thru 72 SB Hoods

    Originally posted by Dennis Hendrix (44677)

    l'm looking for a used OEM hood for my 1971 SB Coupe and it would appear not all 68-72 SB hoods are the same. All the vendors list hoods as 68-69 and 70-72 but I'm also finding out that the 71 and 72 hoods are different at the hood prop location area.

    From a OEM Hood perspective what years should I be looking for for this 71?



    Yes, all 1968-72 small block hoods are not the same. You require a hood from a very late 1969 through 1971. The earlier hoods have differences involving the lock plate mounting and cross cable. You can use the earlier hood, though, if you also change the lock plates, cross cable, and lock bolts to the earlier style. For 1972 the hood support design was changed and its mounting location on the hood also changed. However, I believe that some SERVICE hoods have dual mounting locations. I don't know if any of these were ever used in PRODUCTION, though.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Dennis H.
      • September 30, 2005
      • 226

      Re: Differences between 68 thru 72 SB Hoods

      Thanks Joe that clears up a lot of confusion on my part.



      • Anthony F.
        • February 6, 2014
        • 79

        Re: Differences between 68 thru 72 SB Hoods

        I learned a lot about hood/prop location several years ago while looking for a hood for my 72. Joe, as always, is absolutely correct. Finding an original LT-1 hood in decent condition for a 72 is a little harder, as it is a one-year item. I ended up using a company in Pennsylvania, Fiber Concepts, to build a hood for me. Most (maybe all) service replacement and aftermarket hoods are of the 'two mounting location' variety. Fiber Concepts made my hood, and per my request, eliminated the pre-72 mounting location so it was original as possible. It is not press-molded, but they did finish the underside of the hood to at least 'look' correct.

        Of course, if you are trying to be totally original, this is not an option for you. Just be careful when looking for an original hood, as I found sellers ( like those found on eBay ), don't know what they are actually selling and will list a hood as '68 through 72'. Or they may be selling a service replacement as original or NOS. The website for Fiber Concepts is:

        There may be others who will do this service, so if you decide on purchasing an aftermarket hood, check around.


        • Dennis H.
          • September 30, 2005
          • 226

          Re: Differences between 68 thru 72 SB Hoods

          Anthony, very true statement.

          Example on EBay from a Corvette Vendor

          68 69 70 71 72 Corvette SB Hood---Originall GM Press Molded---"Short Style"--NCRS

          This was removed several years ago from a low mileage 72

          Very well preserved---painted in White! You won't be disappointed!!! *****NO RESERVE*****


          • Ed D.
            Very Frequent User
            • November 30, 1990
            • 328

            Re: Differences between 68 thru 72 SB Hoods

            When looking for a used hood, I would try for a car that did not have AC, as the oil thrown from the compressor, permeates the fiberglass and wont except paint or long
            Ed DiNapoli
            CNJ Chapter Past Chairman/Co Founder

            1972 Targa Blue Coupe, Original Owner,
            Duntov Award, Sam Foltz Award,
            Founders Award, NCRS Gallery VIII
            2011 Corvette Convertible
            NCRS Presidents Award 2014


            • Jim T.
              • February 28, 1993
              • 5351

              Re: Differences between 68 thru 72 SB Hoods

              Ed do you know of any procedure to use on a hood that is used on a air conditioned Corvette that experienced the compressor oil sling?


              • Ed D.
                Very Frequent User
                • November 30, 1990
                • 328

                Re: Differences between 68 thru 72 SB Hoods

                In speaking to very experienced fiberglass and paint people thru the years, everyone tell me it is impossible to get the oil out of the fiberglass. Apparently the oil keeps coming thru as the underhood heat drives the oil to the surface and bubbles the paint.
                Ed DiNapoli
                CNJ Chapter Past Chairman/Co Founder

                1972 Targa Blue Coupe, Original Owner,
                Duntov Award, Sam Foltz Award,
                Founders Award, NCRS Gallery VIII
                2011 Corvette Convertible
                NCRS Presidents Award 2014


                • Mike E.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • February 28, 1975
                  • 5115

                  Re: Differences between 68 thru 72 SB Hoods

                  Not disagreeing with you at all, but wanting to qualify your statement. Not all AC cars have thrown compressor oil on the underside of the hood. Some or many would be the correct adjective. Good counsel on your part!


                  • Ed D.
                    Very Frequent User
                    • November 30, 1990
                    • 328

                    Re: Differences between 68 thru 72 SB Hoods

                    I agree that there are some A6 AC compressors that did not sling oil, but I think they are in the minority. If you guess wrong you have a problem for the life of the hood. If it were me, I think there are enough non AC hoods out there that its not worth the chance.
                    Ed DiNapoli
                    CNJ Chapter Past Chairman/Co Founder

                    1972 Targa Blue Coupe, Original Owner,
                    Duntov Award, Sam Foltz Award,
                    Founders Award, NCRS Gallery VIII
                    2011 Corvette Convertible
                    NCRS Presidents Award 2014


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