Re: Ncrs members need to look at this and read the feed back about your new venue
You don't improve on a classic (if the Corvette you own is one of the classics). Owners of Mercedes 300SL's, early Ferraris, early XKE's, real deal Cobras don't "improve" on them. Yes early Corvettes were some of the fastest cars of the day and they still have reasonable performance but won't stay with many modern cars. That's not why those who want an original or mostly orginal C1, C2, and early C3's buy them and want to keep them as original as possible. If an early Corvette was actually a well prepared race car with history in it's day or currently running on dry lakes, well, I guess that's a different story.
You don't improve on a classic (if the Corvette you own is one of the classics). Owners of Mercedes 300SL's, early Ferraris, early XKE's, real deal Cobras don't "improve" on them. Yes early Corvettes were some of the fastest cars of the day and they still have reasonable performance but won't stay with many modern cars. That's not why those who want an original or mostly orginal C1, C2, and early C3's buy them and want to keep them as original as possible. If an early Corvette was actually a well prepared race car with history in it's day or currently running on dry lakes, well, I guess that's a different story.