Please help me identify these small parts for my 68 - NCRS Discussion Boards

Please help me identify these small parts for my 68

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  • Michael M.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 14, 2007
    • 455

    Please help me identify these small parts for my 68

    I recently did an exhaustive inventory of all of my spare/old and new parts. Of the hundreds of parts, I can't quite place where these go on my 68 (although I have an idea on some of them) and the car is in shop right now so I have no reference point. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

    - Mike

    Attached Files
  • Paul O.
    Frequent User
    • August 31, 1990
    • 1716

    Re: Please help me identify these small parts for my 68

    3rd photo spring clip most likely carburetor linkage or reverse light switch linkage on transmission

    4th photo brake block attach clip.

    5th photo steering box mount bolt

    6th photo headlight linkage pivot bolt


    • Michael M.
      Very Frequent User
      • February 14, 2007
      • 455

      Re: Please help me identify these small parts for my 68

      Thanks Paul! These all make sense. Hopefully, others can chime with the rest. The 2nd photo really has me stumped. It looks like a bushing retainer similar to the ones used on the leaf springs, but it's smaller.

      - Mike


      • Paul O.
        Frequent User
        • August 31, 1990
        • 1716

        Re: Please help me identify these small parts for my 68

        1st photo looks to be 1/2 of a engine bay hose clamp to inner fender skirt assembly.

        The other 2 not sure of what they are.


        • Michael M.
          Very Frequent User
          • February 14, 2007
          • 455

          Re: Please help me identify these small parts for my 68

          That first photo is some sort of retainer clip and although it spreads out similar to an engine bay hose clamp, it's not part of that assembly. I vaguely remember using them to retain some sort of rubber shield or something near the wheel wells. The last photo is, I think, part of the vacuum system possibly under the dash, but I can't be sure. It's a thick rubber block with 4 holes in it.

          - Mike


          • Edward C.
            Very Frequent User
            • August 13, 2014
            • 143

            Re: Please help me identify these small parts for my 68

            The 2nd photo looks like the cups that go on the end of the leaf spring for the links/bushings.


            • Anthony F.
              • February 6, 2014
              • 79

              Re: Please help me identify these small parts for my 68

              Photo #2 looks familiar, might be a rear shock lower mount washer. Here are two links:

              Buy your 1953-1982 Corvette Rear Shock Lower Mount Hardware at Zip, source for Corvette suspension components including front & rear shock components. (GM Part 3714310)


              • Michael M.
                Very Frequent User
                • February 14, 2007
                • 455

                Re: Please help me identify these small parts for my 68

                Anthony, yes, they could be the lower shock mount cups, although the raised lip on the back side makes me not 100% convinced. I may have to wait to get the car back for this one. Edward, definitely not the leaf spring bushing retainers as they are too small although of a similar design.

                Thanks for the ideas.

                - Mike


                • Leif A.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • August 31, 1997
                  • 3583

                  Re: Please help me identify these small parts for my 68

         about front stabilizer link retainers??
                  '67 Coupe L79, M21, C60, N14, N40, J50, A31, U69, A01, QB1
                  Top Flight 2017 Lone Star Regional


                  • Edward C.
                    Very Frequent User
                    • August 13, 2014
                    • 143

                    Re: Please help me identify these small parts for my 68

                    Originally posted by Leif Anderson (29632)
           about front stabilizer link retainers??
                    That would have been my next guess, the link that connect the sway bar to the A arm. But the cup looks a little different on the front set, more rounded without the lip, or at least that's what I remember.


                    • Anthony F.
                      • February 6, 2014
                      • 79

                      Re: Please help me identify these small parts for my 68

                      I like a good mystery, so here is a link from Ecklers for a set of Bilstein HD shocks. One of the cups looks close:

                      I'm thinking maybe the cup design may differ based on the manufacturer.

                      I just redid the front stabilizer links on my car, the cups on the one's I used are close, but don't look exactly like the ones in your picture.


                      • Michael M.
                        Very Frequent User
                        • February 14, 2007
                        • 455

                        Re: Please help me identify these small parts for my 68

                        Thanks guys but these are too big (diameter) for end link bushing retainers. Of course, there's always the possibility that parts from another car got mixed in with my Corvette stuff. Maybe that's why no one can definitively identify. Let's see if others may have an idea.

                        - Mike


                        • John C.
                          • December 31, 2004
                          • 616

                          Re: Please help me identify these small parts for my 68


                          # 1 is a clip for holding the front bumper brace dust shield. 68 only part. You'll need more than one.

                          Attached Files


                          • Edward J.
                            Extremely Frequent Poster
                            • September 15, 2008
                            • 6940

                            Re: Please help me identify these small parts for my 68

                            Mike photo 4 looks like the door lock cylinder retainer?? and photo 7 looks like a spark plug wire loom? photo 2 looks like a front shock retainer it goes between the lower rubber and frame.
                            Last edited by Edward J.; January 30, 2017, 11:36 AM.
                            New England chapter member, 63 Convert. 327/340- Chapter/Regional/national Top Flight, 72 coupe- chapter and regional Top Flight.


                            • Michael M.
                              Very Frequent User
                              • February 14, 2007
                              • 455

                              Re: Please help me identify these small parts for my 68

                              Thanks John, I knew it was related to some sort of rubber seal or cover. I have all I need, plus about 5 extras. Excellent work!

                              - Mike


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