'63 coupe rear deck script mounting location - NCRS Discussion Boards

'63 coupe rear deck script mounting location

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  • Carmen R.
    Frequent User
    • December 27, 2011
    • 78

    '63 coupe rear deck script mounting location

    Looking for the rear deck script (emblem) mounting holes location.

    The TIM&JG shows the emblem on pg. 58, but not the exact location.

    The A.I.M shows the emblem on pg.49, but not the exact mounting location such as the F.I. emblems on pg. 291. Those are the type of measurements I was looking for.

    I was going through Noland Adams book, looking at photos and noticed that the emblem application is one of, or the last step on the assembly line.

    Just curious to know if the assembly line used jigs for drilling emblem holes, or if they were drilled randomly and "close enough" was good enough?

    How are they judged? Any leeway or do judges go strictly by experience and eye balling it? How critical is the exact location?

    One last question. Are the emblem locations identical to all C2's? Of course I imagine there are differences between coupes and convertibles.
    63 Coupe
  • Edward J.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 15, 2008
    • 6940

    Re: '63 coupe rear deck script mounting location

    Carman, I would sat the factory workers had a Template they used, I am thinking that they had a give or take for each emblem. if you replaced a panel and the hole are gone and the AIM does not have these measurements I would look to take a few measurements on another C2.If the holes where filled in you maybe able to access them from the underside??
    New England chapter member, 63 Convert. 327/340- Chapter/Regional/national Top Flight, 72 coupe- chapter and regional Top Flight.


    • Carmen R.
      Frequent User
      • December 27, 2011
      • 78

      Re: '63 coupe rear deck script mounting location

      During paint preparation, evidence of a previous location was discovered. Holes were filled in and the filler had shrunk clearly showing the outlines of perfectly round holes.

      I just don't know if:

      1. The present location is correct.
      2. The previous filled in area is correct.
      3. Neither one is correct.

      If I know for sure that all C2's used the same mounting location for emblem holes, I 'll check my friend's 67 survivor coupe.

      I'm just looking for some sort of reference such as the "the second "t" in Corvette lines up in between the 2 tailights" or x amount of inches from the edge of the decklid, etc.

      I'm guessing that the location remained the same for all 5 years of C2 production. Why would the General change the location from one year to the next?

      Thanks for responding.
      63 Coupe


      • Joe R.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • July 31, 1976
        • 4547

        Re: '63 coupe rear deck script mounting location

        The 63-65 emblems are the same so the same location. The 66-67 emblems are the same so the same location. The 67 is not in the same location as the 63-65 due to the change in the hole location.
        Better wait till you can see a 63-65 or someone posts a picture and measurement.


        PS. Welcome to the NCRS technical board and back to a C2 owner.


        • Carmen R.
          Frequent User
          • December 27, 2011
          • 78

          Re: '63 coupe rear deck script mounting location

          Originally posted by Joe Ray (1011)
          The 63-65 emblems are the same so the same location. The 66-67 emblems are the same so the same location. The 67 is not in the same location as the 63-65 due to the change in the hole location.
          Better wait till you can see a 63-65 or someone posts a picture and measurement.


          PS. Welcome to the NCRS technical board and back to a C2 owner.

          Thanks Joe

          Now I know it's narrowed down to 63-65.

          I'll keep an eye out for them and hopefully come across a survivor or correct one. It's hard to tell what a 53 year old car has gone through and what is correct and not correct. I have a gut feeling that that rear panel has been replaced at some point.
          63 Coupe


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