new member with question ...... or two

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  • Ed H.
    Very Frequent User
    • November 19, 2015
    • 192

    Re: new member with question ...... or two

    What about checking the VIN and number on block - should be the same. They are on mine. Maybe this has been brought up and I missed it...


    • Keith B.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • September 16, 2014
      • 1556

      Re: new member with question ...... or two

      Originally posted by Ed Harrow (61788)
      What about checking the VIN and number on block - should be the same. They are on mine. Maybe this has been brought up and I missed it...
      he said it was a NOM. but just because its stamped and it matches doesn't make it original


      • Gene M.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • April 1, 1985
        • 4232

        Re: new member with question ...... or two

        Originally posted by Richard Mozzetta (13499)
        Dave, Here are a few other tidbits of information that only apply to BB cars.....

        Under the front valence on the right side, there are depressions for the lower front bumper braces. The BB radiator had clearance issues on the right side. The factory used a rough cut saw to cut away a little bit of that depression. Here is a original '67 BB car with all original body parts.

        Left(Driver side) depression. Note the even edge of the fiberglass.

        Here is the right(Pass) side. As you can see, the edge is cut away in the forward direction. This was to help clear the radiator and support which is unique to the BB cars.

        Also note the unpainted area that is squared off with the hole. You can also see 2 holes, each side, for the headlight surround support rod lower L-brackets which attach to the lower support horizontal. A 5/16" bolt passes through the lower support, rear to front, into the open hole of the L-bracket, then threads into the support rod weld-nut. SB cars used the valence hole towards the rear, as the support for the SB cars was unique and not as deep. Original lower valences all had those 2 rearward holes.

        For BB cars, the worker on the line would have to drill a new hole in the valence on each side, apx 2' forward(as shown above with that squared off textured unpainted area), to accommodate the BB support. A Phillips head screw and washer was installed from under the valence up into the weld nut on the L-Bracket. Since the support, L-brackets, and Phillips screws/flat washers were installed BEFORE paint, the Phillips screws and washers would get body color, albeit typically light coverage.

        Here you can see the BB L-brackets, rods and the Phillips screws under the valence. Screws were painted black on this car after assembly in this case as I removed the support and refinished all pieces including the screws.

        Here's the lower rod and L-bracket hardware before assembly. These photos from a SB car as I didn't have photos of those parts for the above BB car. The lower valence on this car was missing the holes and L-brackets so I had to drill holes for the Phillips screws. I had to acquire reproduction brackets. ignore those cutoff pieces in the photo as those were what a prior owner had mounted instead of the L-brackets.

        If you see traces of those L-brackets on the inside of the valence on each side, at the rear holes for the Phillips screws, meaning old depressions and a squared off texture, then it may have been a SB car. You probably need the car to be on a lift to view this entire area better. Sometimes you can see the top valence area with the hood open looking down in front of the radiator support lower horizontal.

        No No No No, The front lower valance notch on right side is NOT a BB unique feature. After 1965 the radiator core support was angled back starting with 66. The more vertical 65 mounting sat more up right, taller. The lower valance mounting for 66 - 67 described as BB unique is total wrong. In 65 and older had only one pair of holes in lower valance to secure to the core support. In 66 there are two sets of holes in lower valance but only the forward pair of holes are used for all Corvettes. again NOT BB unique.


        • Richard M.
          Super Moderator
          • September 1, 1988
          • 11243

          Re: new member with question ...... or two

          Gene, To clarify, I'm referencing 1967 only, but I was unaware of the cutout on all SB & BB that year. If so then I'm clearly in error. Apologies.

          For the lower L-Bracket, the 1967 AIM UPC 11-13 Sheet B3 for SB shows only one hole, rearward, and it depicts the L-bracket mounted there. I was under the understanding that the forward holes were missing for the BB and had to be drilled. The AIM is wrong? I am confused.

          From the Noland Adams C2 Book.....

          This is a 1965 L78(BB), with the rearward holes for the L-*Bracket screws attached.

          This is a 1966 L36(BB), with the rearward holes empty, so the L-bracket screws are forward.

          This is a 1967 L71(BB), with rearward holes empty, so the L-bracket screws are forward.

          I could not find a 1967 SB with original lower valence for a reference photo, but you seem pretty confident so I'll take it you are 100% correct.

          I guess I'm wrong on all counts, so thanks for the clarification.

          Attached Files
          Last edited by Richard M.; November 10, 2016, 11:09 PM.


          • Gene M.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • April 1, 1985
            • 4232

            Re: new member with question ...... or two

            The forward holes are the only holes used in 66 & 67. The rear holes that were the only pair of holes in 65 and older were just left during the 66 &67 model builds but not used. The whole reason for the forward pair of holes is for the radiator and core support being laid back. Also note on core supports for 66 & 67 there are braces welded to the sides of the core support that were not there in 65 and older. This enabled the same holes to be used in the inner fenders. The black 67 in your photos should have the core support installed prior to body paint. Thus the lower screws s/b black painted as well.

            The AIM drawings were used and revised thru out the mid year builds. Understand if a drawing was not updated to reflect the actual parts (including differences from model year to model year) it was because it did not hamper assembly. The core support and associated parts for 66 & 67 could only assemble using the new forward hole. It must have been determined by GM engineering that removal of the older design rearward pair of holes was not economical rewarding.


            • Robert G.
              • June 1, 1990
              • 429

              Re: new member with question ...... or two

              Interesting. The 427/390 block was listed for sale in Oct 1989 Vette Vues. I wonder how it got separated from the car. I don't have quick access to that issue. Maybe someone else does.


              • Richard M.
                Super Moderator
                • September 1, 1988
                • 11243

                Re: new member with question ...... or two

                Originally posted by Gene Manno (8571)
                The forward holes are the only holes used in 66 & 67. The rear holes that were the only pair of holes in 65 and older were just left during the 66 &67 model builds but not used. The whole reason for the forward pair of holes is for the radiator and core support being laid back. Also note on core supports for 66 & 67 there are braces welded to the sides of the core support that were not there in 65 and older. This enabled the same holes to be used in the inner fenders. The black 67 in your photos should have the core support installed prior to body paint. Thus the lower screws s/b black painted as well.

                The AIM drawings were used and revised thru out the mid year builds. Understand if a drawing was not updated to reflect the actual parts (including differences from model year to model year) it was because it did not hamper assembly. The core support and associated parts for 66 & 67 could only assemble using the new forward hole. It must have been determined by GM engineering that removal of the older design rearward pair of holes was not economical rewarding.
                Gene, I want to thank you for your explanation regarding the L-Bracket placement on the 1966 and 1967 SB AND BB cars. I learned something from you.

                I just came from a friend's house who has both a 65 and a 66 and took many photos. I also got some photos of some loose core supports and some valence photos from another 66 SB car. I have more questions after this. Rather than clouding this thread with this I'm going to start another thread so we can discuss there.



                • Richard M.
                  Super Moderator
                  • September 1, 1988
                  • 11243

                  Re: new member with question ...... or two

                  Originally posted by Richard Mozzetta (13499)
                  Gene, I want to thank you for your explanation regarding the L-Bracket placement on the 1966 and 1967 SB AND BB cars. I learned something from you.

                  I just came from a friend's house who has both a 65 and a 66 and took many photos. I also got some photos of some loose core supports and some valence photos from another 66 SB car. I have more questions after this. Rather than clouding this thread with this I'm going to start another thread so we can discuss there.

                  New thread HERE


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