3828548 rivet for 3966707-8 retractor reinforcement - NCRS Discussion Boards

3828548 rivet for 3966707-8 retractor reinforcement

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  • Phil D.
    • January 16, 2008
    • 206

    3828548 rivet for 3966707-8 retractor reinforcement

    Removed some shoulder belt retractor reinforcement plates for restoration. Was about to put them back in and discovered that the rivet holes were all .205 to .209 diameter. But it apparently calls for a 3/16" diameter (.1875) rivet. Nothing else under the car has had holes so much larger than the rivets. Is this too large for the rivet to grip? Before removal, I noted that the top two rivets had failed on each side, but the bottoms were still holding.
  • Russ S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 30, 1982
    • 2158

    Re: 3828548 rivet for 3966707-8 retractor reinforcement

    I assume you are referring to a shark car. The rivet head goes on the f/glass side with the peened over end always into steel.


    • Phil D.
      • January 16, 2008
      • 206

      Re: 3828548 rivet for 3966707-8 retractor reinforcement

      Originally posted by Russ Steinhaus (5540)
      I assume you are referring to a shark car. The rivet head goes on the f/glass side with the peened over end always into steel.
      Yes. 72 The hole in the steel part is quite larger than the rivet. And its not like its rusted out or anything, just drilled much larger than expected and since a couple of rivets failed probably decades ago, I was concerned. It fits over a compound curved surface and doesn't sit perfectly flush up against the body so its going to be under tension anyway. Wonder if anybody else who has reinstalled these parts has noticed the same thing.


      • Russ S.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • April 30, 1982
        • 2158

        Re: 3828548 rivet for 3966707-8 retractor reinforcement

        Use a rivet that is a little longer than you would normally use, put enough pressure on the bracket to seat it as much as possible and start slowly(if using a air gun) to peen over the head making sure your riveting tool stays on center. The rivet will then fill the extra large hole in the bracket and still have a nice large peened head.


        • Phil D.
          • January 16, 2008
          • 206

          Re: 3828548 rivet for 3966707-8 retractor reinforcement

          Originally posted by Russ Steinhaus (5540)
          Use a rivet that is a little longer than you would normally use, put enough pressure on the bracket to seat it as much as possible and start slowly(if using a air gun) to peen over the head making sure your riveting tool stays on center. The rivet will then fill the extra large hole in the bracket and still have a nice large peened head.
          Thanks, I've ordered some longer rivets.


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