Which Scissor Jack do C2 owners trust - NCRS Discussion Boards

Which Scissor Jack do C2 owners trust

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  • Ed S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 6, 2014
    • 1370

    Which Scissor Jack do C2 owners trust

    After doing some research I determined that the scissor jack that I got with my '64 convert when I purchased it is actually a jack for a 63 -64 Corvair. Threads in this forum's archives and vendor listings suggest that the OEM Type I jack is not very sturdy and should not be used as intended. Vendors selling correct looking Type I repros stipulate that they are "for show only" and are unsafe to used to raise the car. On top of that, the prices for Type I jacks from vendors and E-Bay sellers are ridiculous.

    All that said, my question is, what make, model, year of manufacturer jack ( & vendor source) do member C2 owners trust and carry in their cars that would be safe to use if they had to raise the car to change a tire on the road?

    And.... if anyone knows of a source of a reasonably priced Type I that would be appreciated too. BTW - I have the correct jack handle.

    Thanks for your advice in advance.
  • Edward J.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 15, 2008
    • 6940

    Re: Which Scissor Jack do C2 owners trust

    Ed, there was a interesting restorer a while back on the jacks, I have a 63 and a 72, the 63 is not to be trusted, the 72 is a much better jack, but still you'll want the car on level ground. I am thinking sometime 68/69 is when the change occurred to a wider base and thicker arms gussets. But no matter how you look at them its still hokey .
    New England chapter member, 63 Convert. 327/340- Chapter/Regional/national Top Flight, 72 coupe- chapter and regional Top Flight.


    • Harry S.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • July 31, 2002
      • 5204

      Re: Which Scissor Jack do C2 owners trust

      Ed, I never use my 63 jack, either the original or the repro. If you get a flat call AAA. I use a shop jack at the house with jack stands to change bias-ply to radials.


      • Michael J.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • January 26, 2009
        • 7045

        Re: Which Scissor Jack do C2 owners trust

        Originally posted by Harry Sadlock (38513)
        Ed, I never use my 63 jack, either the original or the repro. If you get a flat call AAA. I use a shop jack at the house with jack stands to change bias-ply to radials.
        +1, this is what I use and carry in the back if I go very far, but AAA is better.
        Attached Files
        Big Tanks In the High Mountains of New Mexico


        • Ed S.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • August 6, 2014
          • 1370

          Re: Which Scissor Jack do C2 owners trust

          Edward, Harry, Michael,

          Thanks for the great advice. Looks like I will be in the market for a repro C3 jack soon. Never gave the AAA a thought - but great idea. I wonder if there is an agreement between the NCRS and the AAA - for a possible member discount, will definitely ask.

          thanks again


          • Carl N.
            • April 30, 1984
            • 592

            Re: Which Scissor Jack do C2 owners trust

            I carry a sizzor jack from 2003 PT Cruiser which was free to me. NOT for judging but for use to change on road. Should be available at local recycling yard cheap. Might also be same jack Neon uses, but do not know for sure. PT is about same ground to frame as mid year and about same weight. Just an idea if you are just looking for jack that works


            • Joe R.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • July 31, 1976
              • 4547

              Re: Which Scissor Jack do C2 owners trust

              There was an article written for "The Restorer" several years back that described the difference between Type I, Type II and Type III jacks. Reading that article will show the difference and the improvement in Type II jacks. They had a stamped reinforcement which MAY have kept them from folding up when in use. John Smith used the article to start building Corvette jacks and they are still available from Bluejacket, OK. All repo jacks have a sleeve and tag that says for Display Purposes Only. Liability release they hope!
              Yep, use AAA for safety.



              • John D.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • November 30, 1979
                • 5507

                Re: Which Scissor Jack do C2 owners trust

                In the old days when I had my share of midyears the jacks that came with the cars were junk. They used to bend-spread apart etc.
                I bought a similiar style jack from NAPA back then-but heavy duty and it's still around the shop.


                • Gene T.
                  Frequent User
                  • May 31, 1997
                  • 78

                  Re: Which Scissor Jack do C2 owners trust

                  Michael..... I owned the very same type of AC Delco floor jack and it started to leak and it failed; just be extremely cautious.


                  • Frank D.
                    • December 26, 2007
                    • 2703

                    Re: Which Scissor Jack do C2 owners trust

                    My car doesn't leave the garage without my triple-A + card and a can of Fix-A-Flat...
                    If conditions were absolutely, positively perfect I might change a tire roadside.
                    Even so, you have to be very, very careful with a scissor jack...I carry a heavy solid rubber Harbor Freight wheel chock, a collapsible 4-way wrench, and, one of those combo rubber mallet/wheel cover removal tool for such occasions.

                    Meaning a secondary road, far off the shoulder, firm and level surface and no traffic....otherwise I'd be many feet from the car on my cell phone.
                    Distracted drivers kill people almost weekly here in Orlando futzing around with a disabled car roadside...


                    • Ed S.
                      Extremely Frequent Poster
                      • August 6, 2014
                      • 1370

                      Re: Which Scissor Jack do C2 owners trust

                      Originally posted by Gene Talley (29172)
                      Michael..... I owned the very same type of AC Delco floor jack and it started to leak and it failed; just be extremely cautious.
                      You get what you pay for I suppose. I checked the price of AC Delco jacks on the internet, around $50 - they probably aren't all bad but that is not a lot of $ for a device that has to be flawless. Thanks for the tip.


                      • Ed S.
                        Extremely Frequent Poster
                        • August 6, 2014
                        • 1370

                        Re: Which Scissor Jack do C2 owners trust

                        I am really glad I asked this rather non-technical (dull) question. I had no idea that these old scissor jacks were such a piece of junk, not to mention all the other great tips posted by members, like Frank's. I learned a lot of valuable info - this is right up there with "carry a fire extinguisher at all times". These tips need to be widely publicized - unless of course I am the only one in the vintage Corvette community that was totally oblivious to the issues - thanks again to all that have posted comments.


                        • Michael J.
                          Extremely Frequent Poster
                          • January 26, 2009
                          • 7045

                          Re: Which Scissor Jack do C2 owners trust

                          I'll keep an eye on it, but I have used it frequently for almost 9 years and have had no problems.
                          Big Tanks In the High Mountains of New Mexico


                          • James W.
                            Extremely Frequent Poster
                            • November 30, 1990
                            • 2620

                            Re: Which Scissor Jack do C2 owners trust


                            That's the exact same floor jack I carry in my '64 convertible on long trips (Road Tour). It's small is size and came with a plastic hard sided case.


                            James West


                            • Leif A.
                              Extremely Frequent Poster
                              • August 31, 1997
                              • 3583

                              Re: Which Scissor Jack do C2 owners trust

                              Originally posted by Ed Szeliga (60294)
                              Edward, Harry, Michael,

                              Thanks for the great advice. Looks like I will be in the market for a repro C3 jack soon. Never gave the AAA a thought - but great idea. I wonder if there is an agreement between the NCRS and the AAA - for a possible member discount, will definitely ask.

                              thanks again
                              Check your classic cars' insurance policy. Most (mine from Hagerty) have Roadside Service as part of the policy. No need for the additional expense of AAA.
                              '67 Coupe L79, M21, C60, N14, N40, J50, A31, U69, A01, QB1
                              Top Flight 2017 Lone Star Regional


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