Body shop precautions

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  • Justin S.
    Very Frequent User
    • July 4, 2013
    • 286

    Body shop precautions

    What precautions should I take before sending my car to a shop? Get something in writing? Notify ins? Any pointers will be greatly appreciated
  • Alan S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 1, 1989
    • 3413

    Re: Body shop precautions

    Hi Justin,
    Is the entire car going to the shop or just the body?
    I think something to be concerned about is that there be some kind of record of what all is on the car when it's left at the shop. Sort of like an inventory. On occasion people have reported disputes over things like missing trim and other small parts.
    So, that's a start.
    71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
    Mason Dixon Chapter
    Chapter Top Flight October 2011


    • Jim D.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • July 1, 1985
      • 2882

      Re: Body shop precautions

      Originally posted by Justin Sibbring (58615)
      Get something in writing?
      Get EVERYTHING in writing including the expected finish date and the penalty if the deadline is missed. I don't know which state you live in but in Wa. state, the final bill can't exceed the quote by more than 10% without prior written approval. If the bill exceeds that 10%, the courts will award you 3 times the difference between the original quote and the final bill.


      • Justin S.
        Very Frequent User
        • July 4, 2013
        • 286

        Re: Body shop precautions

        Thanks gentlemen. I'm in California


        • Stephen L.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • June 1, 1984
          • 3146

          Re: Body shop precautions

          Take lots of photos of everything BEFORE releasing the car to the body shop. Also photos of serial numbers, dates, etc. of the various parts....
          You can't take enough photos!!!! Then give a copy of the photos (CD) to the body shop for their records. Now if there is a dispute over parts you have a record. Also, if something is replaced make sure the shop understands that you want the old part, bolt or whatever, returned to you. Don't allow anything to be thrown out........Obtain receipts for all parts etc purchased by the shop. They will probably have a %charge for doing the legwork of obtaining these which is legitimate, just agree on that potential upcharge ahead of contract. Use work change orders signed by you where applicable...typically additional work is revealed during a restoration and these are ways to control the costs.


          • Harry S.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • August 1, 2002
            • 5187

            Re: Body shop precautions

            If they are rebuilding your engine they may want to deck it, this will remove what is on the engine pad. Put in writing if they deck the engine, which may be required, and they deck the pad in error there is a penalty of $20,000. This is only valid if you know the engine i original to the car.


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