1971 Leaking Governor cover on Auto Trans

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  • Sheldon S.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 1, 1999
    • 470

    1971 Leaking Governor cover on Auto Trans

    After rebuilding and running the engine and tranny in the shop, the cover on the governor started seeping at the bottom edge. I got the cover off and cleaned it and replaced the gasket and reinstalled. did,t leak for several days and then it started again, after 2 weeks has leaked out a big puddle under the car. I have not run the engine but did turn the yoke over a little bit. Does anyone have any idea why it is leaking. Looks like it is coming from bottom edge of cover.

  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • February 1, 1988
    • 43133

    Re: 1971 Leaking Governor cover on Auto Trans

    Originally posted by Sheldon Sands (31959)
    After rebuilding and running the engine and tranny in the shop, the cover on the governor started seeping at the bottom edge. I got the cover off and cleaned it and replaced the gasket and reinstalled. did,t leak for several days and then it started again, after 2 weeks has leaked out a big puddle under the car. I have not run the engine but did turn the yoke over a little bit. Does anyone have any idea why it is leaking. Looks like it is coming from bottom edge of cover.



    First, I'd carefully inspect the area of the transmission case for a crack. You may find one, especially in the area of the tappings for the cover bolts. Also, carefully inspect the cover for cracks or distortion. If there are any doubts about the cover, replace it.

    If you find no cracks, I would try re-installing the cover with a new gasket and a smear of RTV sealer on both sides of the gasket. Use Ultra Black or Ultra Copper. Torque the bolts to specification.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Dan P.
      Very Frequent User
      • December 1, 1990
      • 683

      Re: 1971 Leaking Governor cover on Auto Trans

      If you plan to use RTV I would not use the gasket.The RTV would have to seal to the gasket ,cover and case.RTV when it first came out was used in place of a gasket.We were told it has to be .013 thick to work.Clean everything up including the bolt holes and bolts.I would put a good bead of RTV on the cover and tighten bolts till it squeezes out around the cover . Let it set at least 1 hour or even overnight . Then Tighten the bolts . That way you do not squeeze all the RTV out and run the risk of a it breaking off and floating around the transmission.I have sean these beads sucked into some very strange places. Now you have made a perfect gasket.I would use some permetex on the bolts just in case one of the bolt holes has some porosity in it.


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