63_intake manifold (3844461) stud replacement puzzle - NCRS Discussion Boards

63_intake manifold (3844461) stud replacement puzzle

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  • Steve D.
    • January 31, 2002
    • 990

    63_intake manifold (3844461) stud replacement puzzle

    I was replacing the intake studs to accommodate a spacer when I discovered that one of the stud holes was 4" deep. I removed the existing studs and ran a brush in to clean the threads. Three of the holes (the 2 front and passenger rear) are about 3/4" deep, but the 4th (driver rear) is 4" deep (measured). The manifold PN is 3844461. Is this usual or unusual?
  • Chris D.
    Very Frequent User
    • October 31, 2002
    • 198

    Re: 63_intake manifold (3844461) stud replacement puzzle


    3844461 is a 64 manifold, isn't it, with the brake booster boss threaded ?
    The casting and basic design of this manifold goes back to 62 when that stud hole was used as a vacuum source through a hollow stud. I have a 63 3794129 that has the same vestigial deep hole.


    • Steve D.
      • January 31, 2002
      • 990

      Re: 63_intake manifold (3844461) stud replacement puzzle


      Yes, there is a boss with plug in the manifold behind the carburetor. Are you saying that the carburetor stud hole connects to an area that can be used for a vacuum source? If so, it seems that vacuum leaks at the stud would not be uncommon.


      • Joe L.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • January 31, 1988
        • 43160

        Re: 63_intake manifold (3844461) stud replacement puzzle

        Originally posted by Steve Daniel (37270)

        Yes, there is a boss with plug in the manifold behind the carburetor. Are you saying that the carburetor stud hole connects to an area that can be used for a vacuum source? If so, it seems that vacuum leaks at the stud would not be uncommon.


        Yes, that's how it is. That's why it's a good idea to use sealer on this stud. However, I don't know if the factory ever did.
        In Appreciation of John Hinckley


        • Steve D.
          • January 31, 2002
          • 990

          Re: 63_intake manifold (3844461) stud replacement puzzle


          Is this unique to the 461 manifold, or are there others with similar design?

          Edit: After re-reading Chris's post, I realize the design was used from at least 62 to 64. Did it survive after that?


          • Joe L.
            Beyond Control Poster
            • January 31, 1988
            • 43160

            Re: 63_intake manifold (3844461) stud replacement puzzle

            Originally posted by Steve Daniel (37270)

            Is this unique to the 461 manifold, or are there others with similar design?

            Edit: After re-reading Chris's post, I realize the design was used from at least 62 to 64. Did it survive after that?


            I believe all of the 1958-62 carbureted Corvette manifolds had the feature. It was not used after 1962 but I do not know if any of the manifolds after 1962 were drilled through for the one stud.
            In Appreciation of John Hinckley


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