64 frame stencils and frame part number

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  • Don D.
    • May 31, 2016
    • 28

    64 frame stencils and frame part number

    I've been reading about frame stencils and have my frame ready for blasting and powder coating, but decided to check stencils so I can replace them once the frame is finished. My car was repainted 3 times over the last 50 years so the frames rails have overspray. I began lightly sanding the passenger rail looking for stencils. Although the pics are harder to see, in-person you can see the numbers clearer. The stencils are positioned upside down but the part number stencil is forward of the transmission cross member and not by the rear kick-up. The numbers I found are 3819263 and 303196-? (part numbers for a 63), my car was built on November 8th 1963 according to the build date calculator. The frame pull date stencil is 3-11-6. I located the VIN stamps on the top of the left rail forward of the rear tire and above rear tire and they are my car's VIN number. According to the 6th edition of the 63-64 NCRS manual page 145, the 64 frame should be part number 3843361, but obviously this frame matches with my car although it is a 63 part number.

    I should add there are no signs of major body damage and all the major component VIN numbers match.

    I rotated the part number stencil right side up for easier reading.

    Has anyone else seen this discrepancy for early 64 cars?
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