1970 Corvette Brake Master Cylinder - NCRS Discussion Boards

1970 Corvette Brake Master Cylinder

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  • Daniel S.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 13, 2011
    • 307

    1970 Corvette Brake Master Cylinder

    Hi Gents,

    I'm looking for reference photos of an original 1970 Corvette brake master cylinder. Are there original/factory units dated or just have a part #? Do they have bleeders?

    Anyone have a good source to rebuild/restore a core back to factory original specifications? Unit will be for my '70 LT1 convert.

  • Jim T.
    • February 28, 1993
    • 5351

    Re: 1970 Corvette Brake Master Cylinder

    My 1970's brake master cylinder does have bleeders. On the front of it there is a stamping of one letter, looks like a "G".


    • Terry M.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • September 30, 1980
      • 15543

      Re: 1970 Corvette Brake Master Cylinder

      Original 1970 (and 1968 to 1972 for that matter) master cylinders have a casting number on the inboard side, two steel (silver color plating) bleeder screws and most will have a Julian code date stamp on the forward brake line port machined surface. They will also have a two letter "broadcast code stamped on the front semi-circular machined surface. A good description of the finish as well as the casting numbers and broadcast code is in your version of the 1970-72 TIM&JG. There is some controversy over the casting number for the power brake master cylinder, but it involves the numbers 6 and 8 so if that is your situation read the number without too much concern for those two numbers.


      • Alan S.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • July 31, 1989
        • 3413

        Re: 1970 Corvette Brake Master Cylinder

        Hi Dan,
        Here are a couple of pictures from my 71 standard brakes master cylinder.
        They illustrate the the 2 stamps on the master cylinder and also one on the distribution block you might want to check for.

        Here's the Julian date stamp. the surface it's on is a machined surface so is unpainted even
        though it looks painted in the picture. 0 336

        And a Julian date stamp on the distribution block. 0 259
        71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
        Mason Dixon Chapter
        Chapter Top Flight October 2011


        • Joe L.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • January 31, 1988
          • 43160

          Re: 1970 Corvette Brake Master Cylinder

          Originally posted by Jim Trekell (22375)
          My 1970's brake master cylinder does have bleeders. On the front of it there is a stamping of one letter, looks like a "G".


          If it's a power brake master cylinder the code should be "PG". So, the "P" may be very faint or, perhaps, it was somehow omitted.
          In Appreciation of John Hinckley


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