53-55 Turn Signal Indicator Lamp Color - NCRS Discussion Boards

53-55 Turn Signal Indicator Lamp Color

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  • Eric F.
    • June 30, 2003
    • 319

    53-55 Turn Signal Indicator Lamp Color

    The TIMJG states the turn signal indicator lamps should be green. I was recently at a regional where 5 53-55 cars were present and not one of them had green turn signal lamps. They all had white arrows that illuminated.

    Does anyone have a car with green turn signal indicators? If so, what year is it and how to they look?

    The 54 I just restored had round green plastic discs that had white arrows in the middle; I've attached a photo of the plastic lenses that are inside the speedometer housing. These match the ones I saw on the cars at the regional event. I'm wondering if this car is incorrect or if there is a miss-print in the manual.

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  • Brad H.
    • August 12, 2007
    • 724

    Re: 53-55 Turn Signal Indicator Lamp Color

    Good point... my 54 also have the white arrows and I believe I had a reduction for it. Go figure.


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