65 L76 with AC Correct Alternator Pulley - NCRS Discussion Boards

65 L76 with AC Correct Alternator Pulley

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  • David L.
    • July 31, 1980
    • 3310

    Re: 65 L76 with AC Correct Alternator Pulley

    Enclosed is a drawing of the 3848023 pulley. Comparing this with the drawing of the 3846180 the only difference is the following:
    3848023, offset = 0.60", thickness = 0.60" + 0.34" = 0.94"
    3846180, offset = 0.66", thickness = 0.66" + 0.34" = 1.00"


    • Loren L.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • April 30, 1976
      • 4104

      Re: 65 L76 with AC Correct Alternator Pulley

      So then we have to retreat to post #4 and the parts book reference and call-out to #3875968 as the alternator pulley for the 365, A/C, NONE-TI as pictured in Mr Midkiff's referenced past thread. The objective, is it not, is to get it right? If not, explain away the July 1, 1965 parts book entry. My TI referenced Bowtie car is an L79.


      • Joe L.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • January 31, 1988
        • 43160

        Re: 65 L76 with AC Correct Alternator Pulley

        Originally posted by Loren Lundberg (912)
        So then we have to retreat to post #4 and the parts book reference and call-out to #3875968 as the alternator pulley for the 365, A/C, NONE-TI as pictured in Mr Midkiff's referenced past thread. The objective, is it not, is to get it right? If not, explain away the July 1, 1965 parts book entry. My TI referenced Bowtie car is an L79.


        The GM #3875968 pulley was used for 1965 C-60 applications, except L-76. Why the larger 3848023 or 3846180 for L-76? Well, the L-76 is a higher winding engine so I expect (but I don't know) that GM didn't want the alternator to spin as high as it would with the smaller 3875968 pulley. So, the larger pulley was used to slow it down.
        In Appreciation of John Hinckley


        • Kerouac B.
          • May 5, 2014
          • 48

          Re: 65 L76 with AC Correct Alternator Pulley

          Here are some pictures of the alternator Charles spoke about. Not quite sure how to measure the fins. The pulley measures 2 21/32s, a figure that was stated in an earlier post. Hopefully this is helpful to the discussion.
          Attached Files


          • Joe L.
            Beyond Control Poster
            • January 31, 1988
            • 43160

            Re: 65 L76 with AC Correct Alternator Pulley

            Originally posted by Kerouac Berry (59974)
            Here are some pictures of the alternator Charles spoke about. Not quite sure how to measure the fins. The pulley measures 2 21/32s, a figure that was stated in an earlier post. Hopefully this is helpful to the discussion.


            This pulley is not even a GM #3875968 used on most 1965 small blocks with C-60. The 3875968 was a pulley with an integral fan assembly. However, this pulley is apparently the same size as the 3875968 so it's possible it was used with a separate fan in PRODUCTION as an alternative to the 3875968.
            In Appreciation of John Hinckley


            • Wayne M.
              • February 29, 1980
              • 6414

              Re: 65 L76 with AC Correct Alternator Pulley

              Originally posted by Kerouac Berry (59974)
              Here are some pictures of the alternator Charles spoke about. Not quite sure how to measure the fins. The pulley measures 2 21/32s, a figure that was stated in an earlier post. Hopefully this is helpful to the discussion.
              Could I ask you to measure the length of the part #, from the end of the upper hook on the "1" (along the curvature of the housing) to the upper end of the "6" [ on my example, the "7" in yours]. Mine is 2.2 cm (0.89" or 57/64ths).

              Attached Files


              • Kerouac B.
                • May 5, 2014
                • 48

                Re: 65 L76 with AC Correct Alternator Pulley

                It would appear to be, bending a metal tape measurer on the curvature of the housing, 1 1/16"


                • Loren L.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • April 30, 1976
                  • 4104

                  Re: 65 L76 with AC Correct Alternator Pulley

                  Joe is correct that page 204 (dtd July1, 1965) of the parts book DOES show 3875968 with a 'YES" under the "Fan" column of the chart; BUT in that same chart, in the entry labeled "64-65 PASS (P/S w/Air Cond.) (6 cyl) (exc. 62 amp)", under "FAN" answering "NO" and under "O.D." showing "2 21/32"", part # 3850155. Perhaps the section under 1965 alternator pulleys should be bordered in red with an instruction to all judges to "REPORT IN DETAIL ALL VEHICLES WITH OPTIONAL ENGINES AND C60, SPECIFYING WHETHER OR NOT EQUIPPED WITH K19". I,
                  for one, appreciate the exchange - takes one back to the Keith Kibbe Revision of the 1961-62 Manual so many, many years ago.

                  Originally posted by Joe Lucia (12484)

                  This pulley is not even a GM #3875968 used on most 1965 small blocks with C-60. The 3875968 was a pulley with an integral fan assembly. However, this pulley is apparently the same size as the 3875968 so it's possible it was used with a separate fan in PRODUCTION as an alternative to the 3875968.
                  Last edited by Loren L.; June 2, 2016, 02:48 AM.


                  • Charles C.
                    • August 31, 1981
                    • 21

                    Re: 65 L76 with AC Correct Alternator Pulley

                    Hello Joe,
                    There are so many variables that existed in production we may never have a definitive answer to the question. It should be remembered that we are comparing two separate applications. the first was a S/H/P with A/C " points and coil" car and then later the #697 was mentioned which is
                    S/H/P with A/C and T.I and since so few of the latter were installed during actual assembly line production it would be extremely difficult to positively state what was actually used.
                    I enjoy the input of all of the interested parties in trying to figure out what the "General" actually used and in my humble opinion I think that as in other documented variations they used whatever seemed to "get the job done" at the time the cars were rolling down the line.
                    We are fortunate to have so many members participating that are willing to share what they have experienced to benefit all of us that care enough to listen.


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