1967 427 Air Cleaner Base 400 / 435 - NCRS Discussion Boards

1967 427 Air Cleaner Base 400 / 435

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  • Rob A.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 7, 2011
    • 135

    1967 427 Air Cleaner Base 400 / 435

    I have several air cleaner assemblies and when I was replacing the one on my survivor 1967 L71 I noticed that they were slightly different. Primarily where the breather hose enters the air cleaner base. I've attached pictures of the two side by side. Which one is correct for a 1967? I hope its the one on the right with both carburetor attachment tabs.
    Attached Files
  • Richard M.
    Super Moderator
    • August 31, 1988
    • 11249

    Re: 1967 427 Air Cleaner Base 400 / 435

    Rob, Try to take some closeup photos of the 2 tabs and their spot welds on each base. On the one that is missing the tabs, the welds will probably still be there.

    I believe originals were very small spot welds.



    • Rob A.
      Very Frequent User
      • February 7, 2011
      • 135

      Re: 1967 427 Air Cleaner Base 400 / 435

      Here are close up pictures of the area where the vent tube extends into the air cleaner base. Which one is correct for a '67 or are both correct?
      Attached Files


      • Rob A.
        Very Frequent User
        • February 7, 2011
        • 135

        Re: 1967 427 Air Cleaner Base 400 / 435

        Here is another picture of the two different 427 air cleaner bases side by side. Any idea what year each one is for?
        Attached Files


        • Wayne M.
          • February 29, 1980
          • 6414

          Re: 1967 427 Air Cleaner Base 400 / 435

          Here's pics of the nozzle and weld details on the brackets on my late '69 tripower L68 setup (carb dates 2x951, center 981).
          (excuse the cat dander )
          Attached Files
          Last edited by Wayne M.; June 16, 2016, 03:03 PM.


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