Voltage Regulator and Horn Relay Location on 1963 non-AC Car - NCRS Discussion Boards

Voltage Regulator and Horn Relay Location on 1963 non-AC Car

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  • Rob M.
    Frequent User
    • April 17, 2014
    • 44

    Voltage Regulator and Horn Relay Location on 1963 non-AC Car

    Is there any information on the exact location for drilling holes for the voltage regulator and horn relay on a 1963 non air conditioned car? From the assembly manual and pictures that I have seen, they apparently go on the upper portion of the radiator support on the passenger side, but I have not found, in my research, any measurements or landmarks to to use for exact placement. There are dimples on the new Coffman radiator support I purchased but the spacing doesn't seem to match the components. Finally, I can't use my old radiator support as a guide because it is a 1966 support. Thanks!
  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • November 30, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: Voltage Regulator and Horn Relay Location on 1963 non-AC Car

    Originally posted by Robert Moore (59891)
    Is there any information on the exact location for drilling holes for the voltage regulator and horn relay on a 1963 non air conditioned car? From the assembly manual and pictures that I have seen, they apparently go on the upper portion of the radiator support on the passenger side, but I have not found, in my research, any measurements or landmarks to to use for exact placement. There are dimples on the new Coffman radiator support I purchased but the spacing doesn't seem to match the components. Finally, I can't use my old radiator support as a guide because it is a 1966 support. Thanks!
    Robert -

    The screw holes for the voltage regulator and horn relay were die-pierced at Chevrolet-Indianapolis, who manufactured the radiator support (none were drilled at assembly at St. Louis); for exact hole locations, you'll need to transfer the dimensions from an original 1963 support.


    • Michael G.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • November 11, 2008
      • 2148

      Re: Voltage Regulator and Horn Relay Location on 1963 non-AC Car

      Here is a pic showing the correct locations. There are probably enough landmarks to get you close...

      Attached Files

      1965 Black Ext / Silver Int. Coupe, L84 Duntov, French Lick, 2023 - Triple Diamond
      1965 Red Ext / White & Red Int. Conv. - 327/250 AC Regional Top Flight.


      • Rob M.
        Frequent User
        • April 17, 2014
        • 44

        Re: Voltage Regulator and Horn Relay Location on 1963 non-AC Car

        Thank you for the help!


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