Final '88 judging questions for the week (hopefully)

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  • John G.
    • September 25, 2013
    • 245

    Final '88 judging questions for the week (hopefully)

    I keep a flashlight and jumper cables under the passenger side storage cubby where they aren't visible even with the door up. Does this area get judged (because if so I'll need to remove these)?

    I have the McGard instruction sheet and registration card (it's an Anniversary) for the wheel centers but I don't see this in the TIM&JG. Should I remove these from the console area?

    I acquired 4 extra wheel nuts but they are totally superfluous with my car since the wheels don't have locks. Remove them?

    I have the Franklin Mint 35th Anniversary model car and have been told that one came with each of the edition cars. Is this right? Should I remove it?

    Lastly these are the keys that I have. Any comments such as ditch the plain metal one?

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  • John M.
    Very Frequent User
    • June 1, 1990
    • 188

    Re: Final '88 judging questions for the week (hopefully)

    John, I would suggest removing the flashlight and jumper cables since the storage compartment interiors are judged. I would have the registration and instruction sheet with your console contents and present them to your interior judges, leave your 4 wheel lug nuts with the car, your judges will probably ask for them. Present only the 2 GM set of keys (the black plastic topped keys) and don't present the metal key, You can always have the Franklin Model with you ( perhaps at your chair) but not in the car. If the judges want to see it, they will ask for it. Don't be surprised if they don't ask for it. Hope this helps you.


    • Ed N.
      Very Frequent User
      • May 17, 2010
      • 989

      Re: Final '88 judging questions for the week (hopefully)

      Originally posted by John Marsico (17709)
      John, I would suggest removing the flashlight and jumper cables since the storage compartment interiors are judged. I would have the registration and instruction sheet with your console contents and present them to your interior judges, leave your 4 wheel lug nuts with the car, your judges will probably ask for them. Present only the 2 GM set of keys (the black plastic topped keys) and don't present the metal key, You can always have the Franklin Model with you ( perhaps at your chair) but not in the car. If the judges want to see it, they will ask for it. Don't be surprised if they don't ask for it. Hope this helps you.
      Great advice from John M. He's one of the best in the hobby.
      Ed Nieves
      NCRS #51799


      • Paul M.
        • June 13, 2012
        • 83

        Re: Final '88 judging questions for the week (hopefully)

        Yes John is correct, and is very knowledgable since he is one of the best interior judges. Ed and I have been thru the process more than once with John judging our cars. Hi Ed and John.


        • John G.
          • September 25, 2013
          • 245

          Re: Final '88 judging questions for the week (hopefully)

          Thanks to everyone for all your help. Had a great time at Crystal River and met lots of really nice people - but it was warm. What ever happened to it being cool up north? But then again it's about 90 degrees here.


          • David K.
            Very Frequent User
            • October 1, 1979
            • 231

            Re: Final '88 judging questions for the week (hopefully)

            Cleveland Ohio had 1.5" inches of SNOW today.


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