Will a short base door mirror work in place of a long base mirror on a 63 - NCRS Discussion Boards

Will a short base door mirror work in place of a long base mirror on a 63

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  • Chester C.
    • May 29, 2013
    • 154

    Will a short base door mirror work in place of a long base mirror on a 63

    Visibility is a problem with a 63 coupe. My car is early so it has the long base door mirror. The short base door mirror is taller and provides more visibility. Will a short base mirror bolt onto the door using the same holes that the long base mirror uses.
  • Bill L.
    • March 31, 1985
    • 349

    Re: Willl a short base door mirror work in place of a long base mirror on a 63

    Hi Chester:

    My guess is probably not but others may know better ----

    Here are two schematics (from a vendor) that I found that indicate that it "might" not work.

    Here is the short base mirror that you want to mount---


    .....and here is the long base mirror that the car originally had installed:


    It appears that there are two very different mounting mechanisms. The only way you might get away with this is if the holes in the fiberglass are identical you could theoretically switch to the short base mirror by adding all of the parts for that application.....but in the drawings the mounting plates for the two mirrors are clearly different --- so my guess here is this is not going to work.

    For what its worth I would not mess with it ---- just use a little more care in driving ---- my opinion is to save the originality if you can.

    Hope this helps...

    Last edited by Bill L.; April 23, 2016, 02:59 PM.


    • John D.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • November 30, 1979
      • 5507

      Re: Willl a short base door mirror work in place of a long base mirror on a 63

      Chester. I don't think it will work. Compare the mounting of the two mirrors.
      Those long base 63 mirrors are dangerous. Forget a bout seeing out of them. They can do severe damage to your door. If the mirror is turned enough it will be dangerously close to the paint. Then a tight fitting car cover. Then some careless person ripping the cover off and then the tears come. Don't ask me how I know. ((


      • Chester C.
        • May 29, 2013
        • 154

        Re: Willl a short base door mirror work in place of a long base mirror on a 63

        Yea, after studying it closer I can see it will not work. The thing is setting the mirror just right to where you can see a car passing you. Almost turned into one. Now I just twist my head around real fast to make sure it's clear. I'm sure there is a way to set the mirror, just have not found it yet. thanks


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