I just talked with Auto City Glass. Because of a dispute with LOF, they are not presently dating windshields. He said it could be a month, six months, or , .......... Is there another source?
Source for dated 57 windshield?
Re: Source for dated 57 windshield?
It's Pilkington Classic Glass.........or something similar. They are the ones that own the LOF Brand and logo. The last time I checked, the glass from Pilkington and Auto City was typically different source. Auto City probably represents various brands, while Pilkington Classic is one brand, which is the old LOF.
EDIT: https://www.pilkingtonclassics.com- Top
Re: Source for dated 57 windshield?
In case you don't know, Pilkington is located in Columbus, Oh (to supply eastern half of US as I understand). Been there several times, it's a huge facility. People in the classics department are good to work with and know what they are doing.
Jerry M.- Top
Re: Source for dated 57 windshield?
Interesting. I just today received a dated windshield for my '57 from Auto City. It is a replacement for one I purchased some years ago which is showing signs of delamination. They gave me a reduced price and it took 5 days including the weekend. Only problem I've found so far (not completely unpacked) is that, even though I specifically asked about it, the thickness is less than the first one. There was some discussion of this some months ago on the TDB and at the time I determined the glass I had was in the range of the originals at about .275" thk. The new one is only .225" thk. Not happy about that especially since I specifically asked about it, but the point is, there was no mention of issues with LOF or dating. Talked with Tim Melcher at Auto City. BTW, one source which quoted a Pilkington glass would have cost me about $175 more (of course, that includes the "discount" for replacing the delaminating first glass).- Top