Alternator Date Code 1100 882 61A

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  • Jeff W.
    Very Frequent User
    • December 20, 2015
    • 101

    Alternator Date Code 1100 882 61A

    Currently installed on my 1968 car with Air Conditioning. Date code: 5L29. The "November 29" part is clear (or correct me if I'm wrong). Does the "5" mean 1975? That would not be a good thing for my 1968 and I would presume it was replaced at some point. Can someone confirm?
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • February 1, 1988
    • 43129

    Re: Alternator Date Code 1100 882 61A

    Originally posted by Jeff Wittmaier (61866)
    Currently installed on my 1968 car with Air Conditioning. Date code: 5L29. The "November 29" part is clear (or correct me if I'm wrong). Does the "5" mean 1975? That would not be a good thing for my 1968 and I would presume it was replaced at some point. Can someone confirm?


    First of all, the GM #1100882 alternator is an SI series (internal regulator) alternator. No 1968 Corvette ever originally used an SI series alternator. So, there's no way this alternator in its complete original configuration could possibly have been originally installed on your car.

    The preceding "5" in the date code does denote 1975 (or, even, 1985). However, I don't think the 1100882 was still being manufactured in 1975 although it's possible. So, what you're reading as a "5" might actually be some other number. In any event, in your case, the actual date is a moot point.

    So, how did an SI series alternator wind up on your car? Well, I doubt it's a complete SI series alternator. It so happens that the SI series drive end case (the part with the numbers stamped on it) can be used to build up a DN series (external regulator) alternator as used for all 1962-68 Corvettes. Commercial rebuilders will do this and it's very likely your alternator originated from a commercial rebuilder.

    Now, the good news. The 1100882 alternator is a rare and sought after alternator. What makes an 1100882 an 1100882 is the drive end case. If yours actually has a 1975 year of manufacture, it's less valuable. However, IF it's an 1100882 and IF it has one of the 1969-71 case configurations, it's valuable. Otherwise, not so much.

    Pictures of it might let us provide you with additional information.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Jeff W.
      Very Frequent User
      • December 20, 2015
      • 101

      Re: Alternator Date Code 1100 882 61A

      Joe, thank you. Unfortunately, I was focusing on the picture in the NCRS Tech Guide rather than my photo. My alternator is a 1100750 61A. I got the date code correct: 5L29. My sincere apologies for wasting your time with my earlier error. (May I blame nervous first post syndrome?)



      • Joe L.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • February 1, 1988
        • 43129

        Re: Alternator Date Code 1100 882 61A

        Originally posted by Jeff Wittmaier (61866)
        Joe, thank you. Unfortunately, I was focusing on the picture in the NCRS Tech Guide rather than my photo. My alternator is a 1100750 61A. I got the date code correct: 5L29. My sincere apologies for wasting your time with my earlier error. (May I blame nervous first post syndrome?)



        The date code year is most likely 1965. Since it was manufactured in very late 1965, it would have been originally used for a 1966 model year application. The 1966 model year was the first year for the 1100750 alternator which was last used for the 1968 model year. I doubt that the 1100750 was still being manufactured in 1975.
        In Appreciation of John Hinckley


        • Jeff W.
          Very Frequent User
          • December 20, 2015
          • 101

          Re: Alternator Date Code 1100 882 61A

          Thank you, Joe. So I guess that's one more thing to add to the list of things to find. Maybe I'll get lucky and find a 1966 owner who got stuck with something from 1968.


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