How to Determine if Brake Calipers SS Sleeved - NCRS Discussion Boards

How to Determine if Brake Calipers SS Sleeved

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  • Bob P.
    Very Frequent User
    • June 30, 1998
    • 143

    How to Determine if Brake Calipers SS Sleeved

    I have set of brake calipers that came with the purchase of a 71 Vette I bought. Is there an easy way to determine if they have a SS sleeve or not and if they have a lip seal or o-ring seal?
    Bob Puls, 30633
  • Jeffrey S.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 31, 2004
    • 133

    Re: How to Determine if Brake Calipers SS Sleeved

    You would have to split the caliper to take a look. I guess you could pry the seal out w/o splitting the caliper but then you would have to split the caliper to reinstall the seal. Either way split the caliper. Hope this helps Jeff


    • Wayne M.
      • February 29, 1980
      • 6414

      Re: How to Determine if Brake Calipers SS Sleeved

      Here's a regular stainless sleeve, used with standard boots, pistons, seals.


      • Joe L.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • January 31, 1988
        • 43160

        Re: How to Determine if Brake Calipers SS Sleeved

        Originally posted by Bob Puls (30633)
        I have set of brake calipers that came with the purchase of a 71 Vette I bought. Is there an easy way to determine if they have a SS sleeve or not and if they have a lip seal or o-ring seal?


        There's no way to tell, for sure, if the calipers have been sleeved without removing one of the pistons and examining the caliper bore. However, the one thing you could do is to examine the external surfaces of the caliper halves to see if there are any rebuilder's markings. Often times rebuilders will grind a flat spot on the calipers and stamp an identification marking or number.

        As far as conventional or o-rings go, often times (but not always) the configuration and/or finish of conventional pistons will be different than that of o-ring pistons. Conventional pistons will appear configured as pictured below and with the greenish-gold finish of hard-anodized. While some o-ring pistons will appear the same, most do not. Often, there is no "hollowed out" area on the face of o-ring pistons.

        In Appreciation of John Hinckley


        • Mark E.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • March 31, 1993
          • 4467

          Re: How to Determine if Brake Calipers SS Sleeved


          From a practical standpoint, drive the car until the calipers leak. Then they can be examined while being rebuilt.

          I've learned that the seals last longer if you'll pump the brakes weekly and change the fluid every two years, regardless of how frequently or far the car is actually driven.
          Mark Edmondson
          Dallas, Texas
          Texas Chapter

          1970 Coupe, Donnybrooke Green, Light Saddle LS5 M20 A31 C60 G81 N37 N40 UA6 U79
          1993 Coupe, 40th Anniversary, 6-speed, PEG 1, FX3, CD, Bronze Top


          • Patrick H.
            Beyond Control Poster
            • November 30, 1989
            • 11561

            Re: How to Determine if Brake Calipers SS Sleeved

            If they're silver, they have been replaced. It seems to be "the" color for rebuilders to paint them.
            Even if black, the rebuilders do not paint them like the factory did.

            Also check the casting numbers. If you see numbers later than what your car should have, they've been replaced.
            Vice-Chairman (West), Michigan Chapter NCRS
            71 "deer modified" coupe
            72 5-Star Bowtie / Duntov coupe.
            2008 coupe
            Available stickers: Engine suffix code, exhaust tips & mufflers, shocks, AIR diverter valve broadcast code.


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