C-3 Deck Lid Protector - Does it work? - NCRS Discussion Boards

C-3 Deck Lid Protector - Does it work?

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  • Clark E.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 28, 1991
    • 163

    C-3 Deck Lid Protector - Does it work?

    Several vendors offer a vinyl deck lid protector strip that supposedly prevents the rubber weatherstrip on the hardtop and convertible top from chafing the paint on the deck lid. I'd appreciate the experience of Forum members that have used this product. Is it effective? Thanks...Clark
  • Lawrence M.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 31, 1995
    • 404

    Re: C-3 Deck Lid Protector - Does it work?

    Yes they do work . With practice they can be put on in 5 minutes or so. They should be removed to drive the car with the top down. They can come off especially at highway speeds.
    2002 Z51 Convertible
    1969 L46 Convertible


    • Robert L.
      Infrequent User
      • February 28, 1989
      • 10

      Re: C-3 Deck Lid Protector - Does it work?

      Clark, I've had the subject static cling vinyl protector on my '69 convertible for over 2 years without a mark on the deck lid. In addition, the judges are willing to proceed with the exterior judging without having to remove the protective strip and yes, do remove when driving with the top down.



      • Thad L.
        • April 30, 1999
        • 168

        Re: C-3 Deck Lid Protector - Does it work?

        Yes they do!!!



        • Russ S.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • April 30, 1982
          • 2158

          Re: C-3 Deck Lid Protector - Does it work?

          According to the paint stripe protocol (full paint deduct) the clear vinyl should also be a full deduct on paint. I see no difference.
          Originally posted by Robert Lopez (14698)
          Clark, I've had the subject static cling vinyl protector on my '69 convertible for over 2 years without a mark on the deck lid. In addition, the judges are willing to proceed with the exterior judging without having to remove the protective strip and yes, do remove when driving with the top down.



          • Don L.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • August 31, 2005
            • 1004

            Re: C-3 Deck Lid Protector - Does it work?

            FWIW, I have a two top C3 convertible, and therefore, I have two different plastic protection strips. I hate them. The soft top sets on the deck lid at a different location and in a different outline than the hard top. As long as I've had the car, it's had the lines that most convertible Corvettes seem to have. This winter I decided to try a new trick. Because the protective 3M film I had put on the front fascia of my 2010 Grand Sport is so nice and 99% undetectable, I decided to have my C3's deck lid touched up, buffed out, removing the lines and then I'll put the 3M film on the entire deck lid's "A" surface.

            At present, the paint work is done and I'm letting it cure until April, then I will take it and have the film applied to the entire deck. After that, I will re-install all the lid's hardware and then put the lid back on the car. I'm hoping this addresses the lines issue, once and for all. And with this film installed, I won't need the strips any more. I sure hope this works out.
            Don Lowe
            NCRS #44382
            Carolinas Chapter


            • Enzo C.
              Very Frequent User
              • January 11, 2012
              • 531

              Re: C-3 Deck Lid Protector - Does it work?

              Hi Clark, I use the clear vinyl strips for my hard top and it works fine. I would remove the vinyl for judging as you will get a deduct... Something else that works is a silicone lubricant for body seals. I found that no damaged or scuffing occurred when I applied this product from Corvette Central...good luck
              Enzo Colosimo
              Ncrs Ontario Chapter Chairman 🇨🇦


              • Robert L.
                Infrequent User
                • February 28, 1989
                • 10

                Re: C-3 Deck Lid Protector - Does it work?

                Originally posted by Russ Steinhaus (5540)
                According to the paint stripe protocol (full paint deduct) the clear vinyl should also be a full deduct on paint. I see no difference.
                Russ, I'm well versed on the 1968-1969 Judging Guide (4th Edition), but I'm not familiar with "paint stripe protocol". Nevertheless, I've received a Top Flight (98.6) in 2014 and passed PV in 2015 without having to remove the vinyl protective strip and have not received a "full deduct on paint." Moreover, prior to judging commencement, I ask the chief judge if the vinyl strip needs to be removed. After years of blood, sweat, money and yes, tears to restore the car, all I simply want is to protect the deck lid paint, relish the fruits of my labor and enjoy the hobby.


                • Russ S.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • April 30, 1982
                  • 2158

                  Re: C-3 Deck Lid Protector - Does it work?

                  Robert, My comment was not directed at you or your car. It is directed at a judging policy of full paint deduct if you have even a minor stripe that didn't come from the factory on the car or in the case of a 78 pace car which came with the stripes in the back and were then dealer installed. What I am saying is if the powers that be are going to do a full deduct on paint because of a minor stripe then why not full deduct with a clear owner installed stripe? Just makes no sense.


                  • Reba W.
                    Very Frequent User
                    • June 30, 1985
                    • 929

                    Re: C-3 Deck Lid Protector - Does it work?

                    Originally posted by Robert Lopez (14698)
                    Russ, I'm well versed on the 1968-1969 Judging Guide (4th Edition), but I'm not familiar with "paint stripe protocol". Nevertheless, I've received a Top Flight (98.6) in 2014 and passed PV in 2015 without having to remove the vinyl protective strip and have not received a "full deduct on paint." Moreover, prior to judging commencement, I ask the chief judge if the vinyl strip needs to be removed. After years of blood, sweat, money and yes, tears to restore the car, all I simply want is to protect the deck lid paint, relish the fruits of my labor and enjoy the hobby.
                    The statement regarding striping on a car is found in the Judging Reference Manual as it applies to all years, not just 1968-69.


                    • Douglas L.
                      • May 8, 2015
                      • 181

                      Re: C-3 Deck Lid Protector - Does it work?


                      Any reason why you want to coat the entire rear deck rather than just where the top contacts it? Reason I ask is that, while never in this application, I have used the 3M paint protector on motorcycle gas tanks and because you remove the masking tape before it dries, the paint protector has a chance to "lay out" making the edges nearly disappear.


                      • Don L.
                        Extremely Frequent Poster
                        • August 31, 2005
                        • 1004

                        Re: C-3 Deck Lid Protector - Does it work?

                        Originally posted by douglas lightfoot (61192)

                        Any reason why you want to coat the entire rear deck rather than just where the top contacts it? Reason I ask is that, while never in this application, I have used the 3M paint protector on motorcycle gas tanks and because you remove the masking tape before it dries, the paint protector has a chance to "lay out" making the edges nearly disappear.
                        Hi Douglas. I'm not sure if you and I have the same film in mind here. What's on my GS and what I intend to put on my C3 is a professionally installed film that's applied with water or solution between the film and the paint. On my GS, the film terminates where the fascia (bumper cover) meets the fender and hood edges. You can barely feel the film's edge and there is practically no sacrifice in sheen between the paint and the film, once it sets up. The film is very thin. The film edge is trimmed, free hand, by the installer. This seems too be a skill similar to pin striping to me. My guy is amazing at this. He did my GS's entire fascia in one piece, which is apparently very difficult to do, especially in and around the lower grille.

                        As for the area I want to have covered, remember I have/use 2 tops and these tops that sit at different places and have 2 different shapes to the weather stripping contract outline. The space involved between the contact outlines involves approx 30% (?) of the deck lid's flat surface. Albeit slight, if I only covered the local area, the film's edge would be visble and could be felt. This, to me, would make the film no better than this thread's subject strips. I plan to have the lid's entire "A" surface, including the return edges covered. This will have the film wrap around the return edges and thus, be invisible. In addition, the lid's hardware will be off the lid, so no trim cuts will be needed around the pin escutcheons, hard top ferrules, etc will be necessary. My cost estimate for this work is <$200 and will require the lid spend an overnight at the shop. The installer has high confidence that this will work in protecting against the unsightly lines. If it fails, I'll just have the film removed, cry a little, and go back to using 2 different strips that show, no matter how much care I use when laying them down.
                        Last edited by Don L.; January 9, 2016, 03:17 PM. Reason: Spelling fix
                        Don Lowe
                        NCRS #44382
                        Carolinas Chapter


                        • Gary H.
                          • June 8, 2008
                          • 308

                          Re: C-3 Deck Lid Protector - Does it work?

                          I used a spray bottle with some water to position the film exactly where I wanted it. I used credit card to get all the excess water out and dried it with a towel. I then let it sit out in the sun for about an hour. That was about a year and a half ago. I havent had the top up much at all and it has never moved. I drive at highway speeds all the time.


                          • Douglas L.
                            • May 8, 2015
                            • 181

                            Re: C-3 Deck Lid Protector - Does it work?

                            Hi Douglas. I'm not sure if you and I have the same film in mind here.
                            Your'e absolutely right, I was thinking of the DIY spray on stuff from 3M.


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