Hub rivet removal

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  • Justin S.
    Very Frequent User
    • July 4, 2013
    • 286

    Hub rivet removal

    I'm replacing my front rotors that have the hubs riveted on. I have a drill press but don't know if I need a certain bit to accomplish removing them.

  • Gary R.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 1, 1989
    • 1785

    Re: Hub rivet removal

    Here is a link to a thread I wrote years ago that might help you.

    You do not need a drill press to do this job. Center punch the center of the rivet. Center drill it down past the thickness of the rivet head, step up in size till you get to 5/16". Take a cold chisel and cut across the rivet head, it will split in 1/2. Remove all 5 then remove the rotor. You can then drill or drive out the rivet bodies. I tap the holes for 3/8-24 and bolt the rotors on. Check the runout and correct as needed to get the runout under 003"


    • Justin S.
      Very Frequent User
      • July 4, 2013
      • 286

      Re: Hub rivet removal

      Gary, I can't find your post in the myriad of others on that link. Thanks for your help in this post.


      • Michael W.
        • April 1, 1997
        • 4290

        Re: Hub rivet removal

        Originally posted by Justin Sibbring (58615)
        I'm replacing my front rotors that have the hubs riveted on.
        Rotors on C2/C3 Corvettes need replacing only under rare and extreme situations. Replacing them is not a simple swap done as practiced on moderns cars as special machining or shimming to eliminate lateral runout will be required.

        Why are you changing yours?


        • Justin S.
          Very Frequent User
          • July 4, 2013
          • 286

          Re: Hub rivet removal

          My '70 is a flood damage car and the rotors are heavily degraded. The inner surface of the rear rotors have deep grooves. Is it a rare and extreme situation to have 45 year old rotors that are beyond their machining limits?


          • Jack H.
            Very Frequent User
            • April 1, 2000
            • 477

            Re: Hub rivet removal

            Originally posted by Justin Sibbring (58615)
            My '70 is a flood damage car and the rotors are heavily degraded. The inner surface of the rear rotors have deep grooves. Is it a rare and extreme situation to have 45 year old rotors that are beyond their machining limits?
            I'd say those deep grooves have nothing to do with flood or degradation and due to someone driving the car with worn out pads, i.e. medal to medal. It is not rare or extreme to have 45 yr old rotors beyond their limits. Rotors can typically only be machined once or twice depending on wear/age/usage/abuse.


            • Michael W.
              • April 1, 1997
              • 4290

              Re: Hub rivet removal

              Originally posted by Justin Sibbring (58615)
              Is it a rare and extreme situation to have 45 year old rotors that are beyond their machining limits?
              Not when owners insist on having the rotors routinely but needlessly machined. C2/C3 rotors otherwise commonly exceed 150K miles assuming the owner didn't ignore simple maintenance.

              I'd make every effort to retain your original rotors given the drawbacks of replacing them. If there's surface rust from the flood, an angle grinder with abrasive pad will clean that up in short order.


              • Gary R.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • April 1, 1989
                • 1785

                Re: Hub rivet removal

                Oh Boy, it sounds like rotors are going to be the least of your problems with a car underwater. It doesn't take long to cause damage, especially if it was polluted or salt water.


                • Justin S.
                  Very Frequent User
                  • July 4, 2013
                  • 286

                  Re: Hub rivet removal

                  Thanks guys. I'm doing a frame off and the damage was pretty minimal due to the quick action taken after the flood.


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