67' clutch cross shaft

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  • Dave K.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 24, 2013
    • 278

    67' clutch cross shaft

    The JG states that factory installed cross shafts have a reddish/orange plastic plug on the underside of the shaft. Is this where the Zerk fitting is located?? My particular cross shaft has a zerk fitting; i did not see a reddish plastic plug. Also is the entire hollow steel tube filled with grease; or what is the proper way to assemble?? FYI: My cross shaft is completely disassembled and cleaned inside and out; i'm just getting ready to put it back on to the inboard and outboard stud.

    Thx Dave
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • February 1, 1988
    • 43129

    Re: 67' clutch cross shaft

    Originally posted by Dave Kocer (57952)
    The JG states that factory installed cross shafts have a reddish/orange plastic plug on the underside of the shaft. Is this where the Zerk fitting is located?? My particular cross shaft has a zerk fitting; i did not see a reddish plastic plug. Also is the entire hollow steel tube filled with grease; or what is the proper way to assemble?? FYI: My cross shaft is completely disassembled and cleaned inside and out; i'm just getting ready to put it back on to the inboard and outboard stud.

    Thx Dave


    The zerk fitting is where the plug was originally installed. Years ago, someone replaced the plug with the zerk fitting for the purpose of easily greasing the ball studs on the ends. This was very common. Greasing the ball studs by filling the cross shaft with grease was and remains the easiest method. It's far from the best method, though. The best method is to remove the cross shaft and grease the ball studs directly.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Donald A.
      • March 1, 1987
      • 243

      Re: 67' clutch cross shaft

      It is my understanding that the 67 as delivered from the factory had the red plastic plug in the cross shaft hole. At the time of the first servicing or whenever someone wanted to grease the ball studs, the plug would be pulled out and a zerk fitted to the hole. For judging the red plug should be there, not the zerk. And as noted, you don't need to use the zerk and fill the entire tube, just makes a mess for years to come as the grease heats up and leaks out. Just disassemble and grease the ball studs lightly directly as Joe Lucia pointed out.


      • Peter L.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • June 1, 1983
        • 1930

        Re: 67' clutch cross shaft

        Dave - There was a FORUM discussion "MIDYEAR CHUTCH CROSS SHAFT PLUG" in 2000 you might find interesting. Pete


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