58 castle/slotted nuts on backing plate - NCRS Discussion Boards

58 castle/slotted nuts on backing plate

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  • Brandon T.
    Very Frequent User
    • October 23, 2008
    • 872

    58 castle/slotted nuts on backing plate

    Does the bolts that hold on the backing plate only use 2 castle nuts or does all four bolts use castle nuts. I think the bottom 2 bots use castle nuts and the top 2 use lock washers with standard nuts but not sure. One of my wheels had castle nuts on all 4 bolts.
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 31, 1988
    • 43160

    Re: 58 castle/slotted nuts on backing plate

    Originally posted by Brandon Thompson (49614)
    Does the bolts that hold on the backing plate only use 2 castle nuts or does all four bolts use castle nuts. I think the bottom 2 bots use castle nuts and the top 2 use lock washers with standard nuts but not sure. One of my wheels had castle nuts on all 4 bolts.


    I can't answer your question. However, I can tell you that I've never seen a castle nut originally used on a Corvette. All that I've ever seen were SLOTTED NUTS. There's a difference in configuration.

    castle nut.png slotted nut.png

    castle nut slotted nut
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Brandon T.
      Very Frequent User
      • October 23, 2008
      • 872

      Re: 58 castle/slotted nuts on backing plate

      Thanks, they are slotted nuts but I need to know if only 2 slotted nuts was used or all 4 bolts had slotted nuts.


      • Richard M.
        Super Moderator
        • August 31, 1988
        • 11249

        Re: 58 castle/slotted nuts on backing plate

        Brandon, only the lowers used the slotted nuts. Your lower bolts should have holes for the cotter pins. Uppers used standard nuts with lock washers. Spacers are used up top between the knuckle and backing plate to align with the lower which has the arm in between.


        found some better pics....


        • Brandon T.
          Very Frequent User
          • October 23, 2008
          • 872

          Re: 58 castle/slotted nuts on backing plate

          Thanks Richard for the pics,this is they way I thought but just wanted to make sure. I also was wondering if a washer goes on the bolt head side of the backing plate. The lower bolt nut side hits the spindle when the wheel is turned hard right. Does a washer need to go on the outer side to make the bolt shorted to prevent it coming into contact with the spindle?


          • Richard M.
            Super Moderator
            • August 31, 1988
            • 11249

            Re: 58 castle/slotted nuts on backing plate

            Brandon, Yes, a lock washer on the head of both lower bolts when passing through the backing plate. Not shown in the AIM as the entire crossmember assembly with brakes went to St Louis, and also not in the ST-12 either. All of which you probably know already.

            Oh, and just a FYI, keep in mind that when the entire steering system is installed the steering box "stop" reinforcement at the steering box is one "lock-stop" direction(I forget which) in the lock-to-lock maximums. That bolt may not hit when everything is put together, with or without washer based on which side we're talking about.




            • Brandon T.
              Very Frequent User
              • October 23, 2008
              • 872

              Re: 58 castle/slotted nuts on backing plate

              Thanks again Rick, yes i had already looked at my AIM manual and my st-12 manual. From the pictures it looks like the top bolts also has either lock washers or flat washers, which is it? Does the slotted nuts on the inside also suppose to have a lock washer? I looked at another car and it had a lock washer behind the slotted nut but I don't see why it would be needed. I was talking about the drivers side and all I have installed is the backing plate just like your picture. I have not put the passenger backing plate on yet. Thanks again for all the information.


              • Brandon T.
                Very Frequent User
                • October 23, 2008
                • 872

                Re: 58 castle/slotted nuts on backing plate

                Thanks again Rick, yes i had already looked at my AIM manual and my st-12 manual. From the pictures it looks like the top bolts also has either lock washers or flat washers, which is it? Does the slotted nuts on the inside also suppose to have a lock washer? I looked at another car and it had a lock washer behind the slotted nut but I don't see why it would be needed. I was talking about the drivers side and all I have installed is the backing plate just like your picture. I have not put the passenger backing plate on yet. Thanks again for all the information.


                • Richard M.
                  Super Moderator
                  • August 31, 1988
                  • 11249

                  Re: 58 castle/slotted nuts on backing plate


                  I think that is just a circle made by the wrench when tightening the top hardware. I just found a good pair of photos of those same plates and hardware showing the originals. When I reassembled I used the same configuration.


                  This is what those same plates, etc looked like before. I think that car was a swamp buggy.



                  • Eric E.
                    Very Frequent User
                    • October 31, 1998
                    • 254

                    Re: 58 castle/slotted nuts on backing plate

                    Richard, did you paint or powder coat your backing plates? With the heat in that area I want to make sure it holds up and this is my next step when the snow melts. Thanks, Eric


                    • Richard M.
                      Super Moderator
                      • August 31, 1988
                      • 11249

                      Re: 58 castle/slotted nuts on backing plate

                      Originally posted by Eric Eade (31337)
                      Richard, did you paint or powder coat your backing plates? With the heat in that area I want to make sure it holds up and this is my next step when the snow melts. Thanks, Eric
                      Eric, I painted them. Powder coating lasts a very long time but I don't use that. I'd think that if the brakes get hot enough to burn paint off, there's probably something wrong with them. Plus powder coating add a substantial thickness and could be a problem with mount holes closing up. Not sure if that's a real issue but I'd rather not find out in the middle of assembly and have to grind it off exposing raw steel.



                      • Eric E.
                        Very Frequent User
                        • October 31, 1998
                        • 254

                        Re: 58 castle/slotted nuts on backing plate

                        Thanks Rich, that makes sense. I am not sure why I thought the heat off the drum would be an issue on the backing plates. Eric


                        • Dan D.
                          Extremely Frequent Poster
                          • November 4, 2008
                          • 1323

                          Re: 58 castle/slotted nuts on backing plate

                          I painted mine with POR-15. Don't think heat is an issue, and POR-15 is really tough stuff.

                          I have been following this thread about the slotted nuts and various lock washers. I am going to re-visit just how I put mine together. I may have not done it correctly. So 'thanks' guys.



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