1970 corvette, 350 Engine, no A/C, base model, 4 speed Radiator Shroud - NCRS Discussion Boards

1970 corvette, 350 Engine, no A/C, base model, 4 speed Radiator Shroud

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  • Thomas B.
    • November 23, 2015
    • 26

    1970 corvette, 350 Engine, no A/C, base model, 4 speed Radiator Shroud

    Can anyone tell me:
    1: What radiator shroud part number should be in my vette?
    2. What Radiator should be in this car? (note that there is no evidence that an expansion tank was installed from the factory, just dimples where the holes should be.)
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 31, 1988
    • 43160

    Re: 1970 corvette, 350 Engine, no A/C, base model, 4 speed Radiator Shroud

    Originally posted by Thomas Borruso (61803)
    Can anyone tell me:
    1: What radiator shroud part number should be in my vette?
    2. What Radiator should be in this car? (note that there is no evidence that an expansion tank was installed from the factory, just dimples where the holes should be.)


    If your car has ALL the following characteristics (and ALWAYS had the following characteristics):

    1) 1970 model year

    2) No A/C

    3) 4 speed transmission

    4) 300 HP engine

    then your car should be equipped with an aluminum radiator of GM #3155316 and a circular steel fan shroud of GM #3935505, 3935506 (GM #3938943 for SERVICE). The GM #3155316 radiator used an aluminum supply tank.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Alan S.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • July 31, 1989
      • 3413

      Re: 1970 corvette, 350 Engine, no A/C, base model, 4 speed Radiator Shroud

      Hi Thomas,
      Is the core support configured to accept the mounting of the 3155316 radiator?
      Is there a small hole drilled in the right side apron at about 1/3rd the distance from the radiator to the dimples for mounting the supply tank for the small strap used to support the radiator's overflow hose?
      71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
      Mason Dixon Chapter
      Chapter Top Flight October 2011


      • Thomas B.
        • November 23, 2015
        • 26

        Re: 1970 corvette, 350 Engine, no A/C, base model, 4 speed Radiator Shroud

        Hello Joe and Alan:
        The car was never equipped with an overflow tank. There are no holes in the inner fender wall where it would have been mounted, only dimples.
        I am thinking the car came with a 26" copper radiator and a shroud 3956109.
        Just want to rebuild it correctly.
        Thanks for your help, if you know more, please let me know.


        • Joe L.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • January 31, 1988
          • 43160

          Re: 1970 corvette, 350 Engine, no A/C, base model, 4 speed Radiator Shroud

          Originally posted by Thomas Borruso (61803)
          Hello Joe and Alan:
          The car was never equipped with an overflow tank. There are no holes in the inner fender wall where it would have been mounted, only dimples.
          I am thinking the car came with a 26" copper radiator and a shroud 3956109.
          Just want to rebuild it correctly.
          Thanks for your help, if you know more, please let me know.

          If it was originally equipped as you describe, then it was not typical of factory production.
          In Appreciation of John Hinckley


          • Paul D.
            Very Frequent User
            • September 30, 1996
            • 491

            Re: 1970 corvette, 350 Engine, no A/C, base model, 4 speed Radiator Shroud

            How original is your car? Does it still have a #s matching engine? I wonder if a "HD cooling" option was available for base engine cars. Others more knowledgeable about available options should chime in. The reason I ask about original engine is because the 70 350 HP cars had the heavier duty copper rad. I know this because at the young age of 19 (over 30 yrs ago) a friend and I both bought low optioned convertibles. His was a 70 and mine was a 71. His had the copper radiator, 4 speed, no AC, and what appeared to be a base engine. My 71 had the aluminum rad and steel shroud. After checking the engine code, we realized his was a 350 horse. With a Q-jet and cast iron intake, we just assumed it was a base engine car. Both cars were well worn and treated to much "Bubba love", but still retained the original drive trains. Chip.


            • Joe L.
              Beyond Control Poster
              • January 31, 1988
              • 43160

              Re: 1970 corvette, 350 Engine, no A/C, base model, 4 speed Radiator Shroud

              Originally posted by Paul Drennan (28344)
              How original is your car? Does it still have a #s matching engine? I wonder if a "HD cooling" option was available for base engine cars. Others more knowledgeable about available options should chime in. The reason I ask about original engine is because the 70 350 HP cars had the heavier duty copper rad. I know this because at the young age of 19 (over 30 yrs ago) a friend and I both bought low optioned convertibles. His was a 70 and mine was a 71. His had the copper radiator, 4 speed, no AC, and what appeared to be a base engine. My 71 had the aluminum rad and steel shroud. After checking the engine code, we realized his was a 350 horse. With a Q-jet and cast iron intake, we just assumed it was a base engine car. Both cars were well worn and treated to much "Bubba love", but still retained the original drive trains. Chip.


              No HD cooling option for 1970 with base engine. In fact, no HD cooling option for any 1970 (except as part of ZR-1).

              If the car is an L-46 (i.e. 350 HP), then the copper/brass radiator with 3956109 fan shroud and no supply tank would be correct.
              In Appreciation of John Hinckley


              • Terry M.
                Beyond Control Poster
                • September 30, 1980
                • 15543

                Re: 1970 corvette, 350 Engine, no A/C, base model, 4 speed Radiator Shroud

                Originally posted by Thomas Borruso (61803)
                Hello Joe and Alan:
                The car was never equipped with an overflow tank. There are no holes in the inner fender wall where it would have been mounted, only dimples.
                I am thinking the car came with a 26" copper radiator and a shroud 3956109.
                Just want to rebuild it correctly.
                Thanks for your help, if you know more, please let me know.

                Any chance you could post a photo of the core support taken from the engine side? That would help us a lot.

                You state there is no hole(s) in the inner fender for an expansion tank. Are you sure the inner fender panel is original to the car?


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