Part numbers for taillights for 1963

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  • Jerry C.
    Very Frequent User
    • November 1, 1995
    • 741

    Part numbers for taillights for 1963

    Anyone have part numbers for rear taillights? Need LH inner- outer and RH inner-outer, could not find in my AIM. Thanks in advance.
  • Leif A.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 1, 1997
    • 3568

    Re: Part numbers for tialights for 1963

    I don't have the GM original part numbers but here are reproductions using the original tooling.
    Browse RPUI's family of brands: The Right Stuff & Trim Parts. Everything you need to keep your vehicle in top shape.
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    Top Flight 2017 Lone Star Regional


    • Jim D.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • July 1, 1985
      • 2882

      Re: Part numbers for tialights for 1963

      Originally posted by Leif Anderson (29632)
      I don't have the GM original part numbers but here are reproductions using the original tooling.

      You might as well buy a complete set because the new ones from TrimParts are beautiful and will make the remaining ones look bad. I've bought a few sets from them over the years. Highly recommended.


      • Joe L.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • February 1, 1988
        • 43129

        Re: Part numbers for tialights for 1963

        Originally posted by Jerry Cosler (26941)
        Anyone have part numbers for rear taillights? Need LH inner- outer and RH inner-outer, could not find in my AIM. Thanks in advance.


        Complete lamp assemblies or just lenses?


        LH outer------GM #910553

        LH, inner-----GM #910557

        RH, outer-----GM #910554

        RH, inner-----GM #910558

        lens only (all 4 positions)------GM #5954803

        ALL of the above are GM-discontinued.
        In Appreciation of John Hinckley


        • David L.
          • August 1, 1980
          • 3310

          Re: Part numbers for tialights for 1963

          My 1963 (Oct. 1962) and 1964 (Oct. 1963) Chevrolet parts catalogs list the following in Gr. 2.679 for the 1963 Corvette "over the counter" tail & stop lamp assemblies:

          LH outer......928915 (replaced by 910417 in Mar. 1964 which was replaced by 910553 in May 1964)
          RH outer......928916 (replaced by 910418 in May 1964 which was replaced by 910554 in July 1964)
          LH inner.......928917 (replaced by 910557 in July 1964)
          RH inner......928918 (replaced by 910420 in Jan. 1964 which was replaced by 910558 in May 1964)



          • John D.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • December 1, 1979
            • 5507

            Re: Part numbers for tialights for 1963

            When I was first restoring my 63, the LWC the Chevy parts dealer was hollering at me. Joe said I was going to get him into trouble. (again)
            I kept ordering new taillights and they were all junk. Horrible plating and rough. Remember it well even though that was in 1979-80. John


            • Jim D.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • July 1, 1985
              • 2882

              Re: Part numbers for tialights for 1963

              Originally posted by John DeGregory (2855)
              When I was first restoring my 63, the LWC the Chevy parts dealer was hollering at me. Joe said I was going to get him into trouble. (again)
              I kept ordering new taillights and they were all junk. Horrible plating and rough. Remember it well even though that was in 1979-80. John
              Prior to quality reproductions being available, I paid big $$ to have originals replated because NOS ones were complete garbage.


              • Alan D.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • January 1, 2005
                • 2016

                Re: Part numbers for tialights for 1963

                The ones I purchased in 1972 were of a good quality, so I guess GM went down hill after that


                • Joe L.
                  Beyond Control Poster
                  • February 1, 1988
                  • 43129

                  Re: Part numbers for tialights for 1963

                  Originally posted by Alan Drake (43261)
                  The ones I purchased in 1972 were of a good quality, so I guess GM went down hill after that


                  As time goes on in the life of a part, the tooling used to produce it wears and deteriorates. During the period that the part is used in PRODUCTION, GM will usually refurbish or replace the tooling, as necessary, to keep producing high quality parts. Of course, SERVICE parts manufactured during the period that a part is used in PRODUCTION will benefit from this, too.

                  After a part is no longer used in PRODUCTION, with vastly fewer parts needed for sale in SERVICE, GM is usually not inclined to refurbish or replace tooling. So, they may continue manufacturing or having the part manufactured by an outside supplier and the quality progressively deteriorates. At some point, when someone adjudges the quality to be degraded too far, manufacture of the part ceases and the "discontinued sign goes up".
                  In Appreciation of John Hinckley


                  • Joe L.
                    Beyond Control Poster
                    • February 1, 1988
                    • 43129

                    Re: Part numbers for tialights for 1963

                    Originally posted by David Liukkonen (3775)
                    My 1963 (Oct. 1962) and 1964 (Oct. 1963) Chevrolet parts catalogs list the following in Gr. 2.679 for the 1963 Corvette "over the counter" tail & stop lamp assemblies:

                    LH outer......928915 (replaced by 910417 in Mar. 1964 which was replaced by 910553 in May 1964)
                    RH outer......928916 (replaced by 910418 in May 1964 which was replaced by 910554 in July 1964)
                    LH inner.......928917 (replaced by 910557 in July 1964)
                    RH inner......928918 (replaced by 910420 in Jan. 1964 which was replaced by 910558 in May 1964)



                    I don't think there was any significant visual difference between the early and final part numbers. The chances of finding NOS examples of the original part numbers is about as close to zilch as one could get.
                    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


                    • John H.
                      Beyond Control Poster
                      • December 1, 1997
                      • 16513

                      Re: Part numbers for taillights for 1963

                      Originally posted by Jerry Cosler (26941)
                      Anyone have part numbers for rear taillights? Need LH inner- outer and RH inner-outer, could not find in my AIM. Thanks in advance.
                      Jerry -

                      See UPC 12, sheet C1.00, item #5.


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