I need to confirm the proper operation of the blower fan of a C3 C60 a/c equipped car. On my '72 when function and fan controls are in the off position the fan still operates in low speed. Is this correct? If not what would cause the fan to operate when all controls are turned off? I've checked in archives and found an older thread from '09 that had conflicting opinions.
Also want to confirm the proper operation of the fresh air plenum vacuum actuator located in the right kick panel area. The actuator holds vacuum to open the plenum door but does not return the door to it's closed position. I am guessing that there is a return spring inside on the vacuum side of the actuator that has disintegrated and no loger returns the door to its closed position. Thanks in advance for aany input. I'm coming down the home stretch in finishing my '72 and sorting out these last few gremlins.
Also want to confirm the proper operation of the fresh air plenum vacuum actuator located in the right kick panel area. The actuator holds vacuum to open the plenum door but does not return the door to it's closed position. I am guessing that there is a return spring inside on the vacuum side of the actuator that has disintegrated and no loger returns the door to its closed position. Thanks in advance for aany input. I'm coming down the home stretch in finishing my '72 and sorting out these last few gremlins.