My understanding is standard groove pulleys are all the same width. Maybe others can comment about this.
If this is the case, why are different width belts specified? For example, all pulleys on my '70 LS5 are standard groove and appear the same width, yet two belt widths are specified (15/32" for WP and AC; 7/16" for alt and PS).
So this means the top of 7/16" belts sit in the pulley lower than 15/32" belts, which looks a bit funny. Is this correct?
I asked this in an existing thread, but decided to open a separate one for this.
Thanks folks.
If this is the case, why are different width belts specified? For example, all pulleys on my '70 LS5 are standard groove and appear the same width, yet two belt widths are specified (15/32" for WP and AC; 7/16" for alt and PS).
So this means the top of 7/16" belts sit in the pulley lower than 15/32" belts, which looks a bit funny. Is this correct?
I asked this in an existing thread, but decided to open a separate one for this.
Thanks folks.