finish on thumb hole bezel

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  • Tim T.
    • December 9, 2009
    • 141

    finish on thumb hole bezel

    What is the correct finish on the thumb hole bezel in the rear storage cover of a 63?
    I have been told chrome is incorrect for a 63. Was it cad plated or just left as raw steel?
  • Joe R.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 1, 1976
    • 4546

    Re: finish on thumb hole bezel


    Indeed the 63 thumb hole bezel was not chrome. It was raw steel painted the color of the interior. Same color as used on the kick panel trim or trim around the doors or hardtop. Don't copy the color of the rear trim on the split window couple as there was two colors used if you had a saddle tan interior.



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