Correct fuel pump for '69 small block? - NCRS Discussion Boards

Correct fuel pump for '69 small block?

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  • Paul S.
    Very Frequent User
    • October 29, 2015
    • 203

    Correct fuel pump for '69 small block?

    Hi all,

    I am looking to find a correct fuel pump for my '69 with the base 300 HP 350 CID motor. I have read the description in the TIM&JG, but there is no photo, so before I buy a pump, I want to make sure it is correct.

    Does this appear to be the correct pump for my car? Specifically, I am not sure if the AC logo is the correct size and whether the plating on the bottom portion should be gold like this or silver.

    fuel pump.jpg

    UPDATE: After doing a little more searching, it looks like the pump pictured above is a 40709 service replacement, while what I actually need is a 40658, which I believe looks like this:


    First, can anyone confirm that my findings are correct and that the 40709 pump would not pass judging?

    And second, assuming I need the 40658 pump, does anyone have any advice on where I can obtain a NOS or rebuilt one?

    Last edited by Paul S.; November 19, 2015, 08:14 PM.
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 31, 1988
    • 43160

    Re: Correct fuel pump for '69 small block?

    Originally posted by Paul Shatlock (61745)
    Hi all,

    I am looking to find a correct fuel pump for my '69 with the base 300 HP 350 CID motor. I have read the description in the TIM&JG, but there is no photo, so before I buy a pump, I want to make sure it is correct.

    Does this appear to be the correct pump for my car? Specifically, I am not sure if the AC logo is the correct size and whether the plating on the bottom portion should be gold like this or silver.


    UPDATE: After doing a little more searching, it looks like the pump pictured above is a 40709 service replacement, while what I actually need is a 40658, which I believe looks like this:


    First, can anyone confirm that my findings are correct and that the 40709 pump would not pass judging?

    And second, assuming I need the 40658 pump, does anyone have any advice on where I can obtain a NOS or rebuilt one?



    The original fuel pump for your application was the AC 40658. That is absolutely certain.

    The AC 40709 was used on some LT-1 and became SERVICE for 1969 Corvette small blocks. It is 100% functional for your application but it's not original and, presumably, will not garner full judging points.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Russ S.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • April 30, 1982
      • 2158

      Re: Correct fuel pump for '69 small block?

      The 40709 has a much longer can.


      • Joe L.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • January 31, 1988
        • 43160

        Re: Correct fuel pump for '69 small block?

        Originally posted by Russ Steinhaus (5540)
        The 40709 has a much longer can.


        Yes, in addition to the inlet valve chamber being longer on the 40709, the angular position of the inlet nipple is also considerably different between the two pumps. Actually, though, the nipple position on the 40709 works better for the 1968-69 Corvette small block application.

        The 40658, GM #6417337, was discontinued from GM SERVICE in August, 1971 and replaced by the 40709, GM #6470110. However, while discontinued from the GM parts system, the 40658 continued to be available through the Delco parts system for many years.
        In Appreciation of John Hinckley


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