FUEL LINE to FUEL PUMP QUESTION - '66 425hp - NCRS Discussion Boards


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  • Jim F.
    Infrequent User
    • October 31, 1995
    • 8


    In restoring a 1966 425horse Corvette -- one area of confusion involves the fuel pump connection
  • Mike M.
    NCRS Past President
    • May 31, 1974
    • 8344

    Re: FUEL LINE to FUEL PUMP QUESTION - '66 425hp

    if you in fact have a 66 425 fuel pump, it sounds like you have a 67 427 fuel pump to carb line. the 66 fuel pump line is bent on a 90 degree angle down at the fuel pump. the 67 lower end of the line doesn't have a 90 degree bend so the 67's do need a fitting between the fuel pump and the line to the carb. since 66 425 fuel pumps are unique , originals are very scarce and a lot of folks use a 67 fuel pump and 67 fitting/fuel line to carb. i have the original pump off my 66 425 but since i wasn't successful in finding a 66 bbc pump, i used a 67 bbc pump(which are or were plentiful back in the day) along with the 67 fitting/line. the judges are aware of the above switch-a-roo. mike


    • Jim F.
      Infrequent User
      • October 31, 1995
      • 8

      Re: FUEL LINE to FUEL PUMP QUESTION - '66 425hp

      Originally posted by Mike McCagh (14)
      if you in fact have a 66 425 fuel pump, it sounds like you have a 67 427 fuel pump to carb line. the 66 fuel pump line is bent on a 90 degree angle down at the fuel pump. the 67 lower end of the line doesn't have a 90 degree bend so the 67's do need a fitting between the fuel pump and the line to the carb. since 66 425 fuel pumps are unique , originals are very scarce and a lot of folks use a 67 fuel pump and 67 fitting/fuel line to carb. i have the original pump off my 66 425 but since i wasn't successful in finding a 66 bbc pump, i used a 67 bbc pump(which are or were plentiful back in the day) along with the 67 fitting/line. the judges are aware of the above switch-a-roo. mike


      • Mike M.
        NCRS Past President
        • May 31, 1974
        • 8344

        Re: FUEL LINE to FUEL PUMP QUESTION - '66 425hp

        jim: i apologize as i got it ass backwards(shouldn't rely on memory) . anyway, the 66 425 pump utilizes a brass 90 degree elbow. the pump end of the 66 fuel line is not bent on a 90 degree angle. with the 67 BBC, the fuel line is bent on a 90 degree angle and threads directly into the 67 pump . sorry i confused you. if u pm me your email address, i'll send you a picture of the original pump off of 66 425 vin 18057, an AO smith body that left st louis on march 22, 1966. mike


        • Joe R.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • May 31, 2006
          • 1822

          Re: FUEL LINE to FUEL PUMP QUESTION - '66 425hp

          Originally posted by Mike McCagh (14)
          jim: i apologize as i got it ass backwards(shouldn't rely on memory) . anyway, the 66 425 pump utilizes a brass 90 degree elbow. the pump end of the 66 fuel line is not bent on a 90 degree angle. with the 67 BBC, the fuel line is bent on a 90 degree angle and threads directly into the 67 pump . sorry i confused you. if u pm me your email address, i'll send you a picture of the original pump off of 66 425 vin 18057, an AO smith body that left st louis on march 22, 1966. mike
          Hey Mike,

          How about posting it here so we all can see it? Inquiring minds want to know and all that!



          • Vinnie P.
            Editor NCRS Restorer Magazine
            • May 31, 1990
            • 1542

            Re: FUEL LINE to FUEL PUMP QUESTION - '66 425hp

            As per the good doc's request...original 66 425hp fuel pump off vin 18057


            • Joe R.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • May 31, 2006
              • 1822

              Re: FUEL LINE to FUEL PUMP QUESTION - '66 425hp

              Thanks be to Vinnie and the Doc!!!


              • John D.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • November 30, 1979
                • 5507

                Re: FUEL LINE to FUEL PUMP QUESTION - '66 425hp

                Originally posted by Jim Fairbanks (26937)
                In restoring a 1966 425horse Corvette -- one area of confusion involves the fuel pump connection
                Jim, Some of the FI cars used a 5/16" fitting with 90 degree bend and 1/8" pipe end. I have seen the 3/8" fitting around my shop.
                Is the pump tapped for 1/8" or 1/4" pipe thread? John


                • Mike M.
                  NCRS Past President
                  • May 31, 1974
                  • 8344

                  Re: FUEL LINE to FUEL PUMP QUESTION - '66 425hp

                  john: put yer helmet on and get in the game. the original post referred to the 427/425 engine(which to the best of my knowledge diet have FI--unless u consider the one that sold at Smokey's auction). mike


                  • John D.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • November 30, 1979
                    • 5507

                    Re: FUEL LINE to FUEL PUMP QUESTION - '66 425hp

                    Dr. Mike, I know that. Was brain washed though and only know little bit about FIs.
                    The fitting for the 427/425 is readily available. JD


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