1956 to 1962 Door Handle Lever Rod parts Confusion - NCRS Discussion Boards

1956 to 1962 Door Handle Lever Rod parts Confusion

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  • Richard M.
    Super Moderator
    • August 31, 1988
    • 11258

    1956 to 1962 Door Handle Lever Rod parts Confusion

    I recently had a question from a 1962 owner regarding some door lock mechanism problems. The topic came up about the levers and rods. In my many years of working on 1956 to 1962 doors, I was often confused about the location of the pieces attached to the Door Handle Lever Rod. The AIMs are not consistent showing these items between the years. I will try to help clarify this assembly as how I perceive it's intended design.

    First, here are a few photos of a '59 Corvette showing the proper assembly of the rod. The order of assembly at the top end of the rod as it passes through the door handle lever is:

    Cotter Pin
    Washer(early AIMs shows another washer, later AIMs do not)
    Clevis(at the threaded end)

    Driver's (Left) Side shown here. Note that the rods are side specific, i.e. 2 different part numbers due to the angles of their design to clear the lock cylinder. I believe the spring was there to relieve any possible clearance issues as the rod passed by the lock cylinder. If the rod touched the cylinder the spring would compress and the rod would not bind against it.

    Here are the 1956/1957, 1959, 1961 and 1962 AIMs Section F Sheet 6.00 pages. I do not have the 1958 or 1960 AIMs. If you have a 1958 or 1960 AIMs please check their assembly diagrams for reference. They should be on the same Section F Page 6.00.

    1956/1957 and 1959 AIMs show the pieces in question up top on the upper outer end of the rod.

    If you ever worked on these pieces you will know that the washer(s) and spring will easily fall past the bend and land at the bottom of the rod against the clevis if installed per the AIM. I believe the plant assemblers had a verbal instruction to install them as I show above. I also suspect that the handle, lever and rod assembly was pre-assembled, as that is the easiest way to pass the lever and rod through the door opening and then install the handle reinforcement/retainer before attaching the lower clevis to the latch mechanism. This is the way I always install them. I then install the lock cylinder and rod assembly.

    This is the 1961 AIM. As you can see the main diagram shows assembly identical to the 1959 AIM, however the VIEW A shows it opposite of the main diagram. A simple AIM error that got past the editors.


    The 1962 AIM shows it consistent between the two images. Both Main Page and VIEW A images match.

    In my opinion this was the intention of the design assembly sequence from the beginning of production in 1956 but did not get properly documented until 1962.

  • Keith R.
    Very Frequent User
    • August 31, 2001
    • 660

    Re: 1956 to 1962 Door Handle Lever Rod parts Confusion

    Very helpful Rich. I was struggling with this earlier tonight and the springs and washers kept falling down past the bend in the rod to the clevis. This makes much more sense. Thanks.
    Keith MacRae
    NCRS #36692
    New Mexico Chapter
    1960 290HP FI
    2013 427 Convertible

    Shade tree mechanic and
    B-52 pilot extraordinaire


    • Richard M.
      Super Moderator
      • August 31, 1988
      • 11258

      Re: 1956 to 1962 Door Handle Lever Rod parts Confusion

      Glad you found it Keith. I forgot all about that one, but I guess it eventually came in handy.


      • Ian G.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • September 3, 2007
        • 1114

        Re: 1956 to 1962 Door Handle Lever Rod parts Confusion

        Good reason to get a 62 AIM


        • Keith R.
          Very Frequent User
          • August 31, 2001
          • 660

          Re: 1956 to 1962 Door Handle Lever Rod parts Confusion

          I actually have a 60 AIM as I am rebuilding that year but the 60 AIM shows the spring and washers on the opposite side of the actuating level and they have a tendency to fall down the actuating lever. As Richard said, he believes that workers were given verbal instruction to assemble it as annotated in the 62 AIM versus the depiction in the 60 AIM.
          Originally posted by Ian Gaston (47813)
          Good reason to get a 62 AIM
          Keith MacRae
          NCRS #36692
          New Mexico Chapter
          1960 290HP FI
          2013 427 Convertible

          Shade tree mechanic and
          B-52 pilot extraordinaire


          • Richard M.
            Super Moderator
            • August 31, 1988
            • 11258

            Re: 1956 to 1962 Door Handle Lever Rod parts Confusion

            Dave Zuberer created this pdf from my notes and added some detailed notaions and also includes the page from the 1960 AIM.

            Thanks Dave.
            Attached Files


            • Eric E.
              Very Frequent User
              • October 31, 1998
              • 254

              Re: 1956 to 1962 Door Handle Lever Rod parts Confusion

              This is great to have. My parts have been in a box for quite some time so this will be a big help. Thanks!


              • Reed F.
                Frequent User
                • May 31, 1996
                • 31

                Re: 1956 to 1962 Door Handle Lever Rod parts Confusion

                Rich, thanks to you for these helpful tips and to Dave Z for his the convenient pdf conversions. This is one of many and believe me, more would be welcome, too.


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