Modern tire for my 1962 vette

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  • Anton S.
    • October 26, 2009
    • 32

    Modern tire for my 1962 vette

    What is the modern radial tire that will replace the stock 7.60- 15 tires? I am concerned about possible tire width interference and ride. Also want to buy a tire with stock 2 inch white wall.
  • Anton S.
    • October 26, 2009
    • 32

    Re: Modern tire for my 1962 vette

    Please Excusd...... it's late and I made a mistake in my original post!!! The correct tire size for a 1962 Vette is 6.70 x 15.


    • Jimmy G.
      Very Frequent User
      • November 1, 1979
      • 968

      Re: Modern tire for my 1962 vette

      205-75x15 works well and looks correct
      Founder - Carolinas Chapter NCRS


      • Ed S.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • August 7, 2014
        • 1369

        Re: Modern tire for my 1962 vette

        When you switch to radials you may also have to have your suspension re-aligned to something other than factory specs. I am not familiar with C1s that are sporting radials but I know from experience that switching to radials on an early C2 will require a suspension adjustment - when my '64 was aligned to original factory specs and had radials it was very "darty" and difficult to drive at speed. Other members with C1s may advise you on recommended suspension alignment changes, if they are needed at all.


        • John H.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • December 1, 1997
          • 16513

          Re: Modern tire for my 1962 vette

          Originally posted by Ed Szeliga (60294)
          When you switch to radials you may also have to have your suspension re-aligned to something other than factory specs. I am not familiar with C1s that are sporting radials but I know from experience that switching to radials on an early C2 will require a suspension adjustment - when my '64 was aligned to original factory specs and had radials it was very "darty" and difficult to drive at speed. Other members with C1s may advise you on recommended suspension alignment changes, if they are needed at all.
          The only alignment change required on a C1 when switching to radials is to reduce toe-in to zero-to-1/16" TOTAL toe-in.


          • Peter M.
            Very Frequent User
            • May 31, 2013
            • 358

            Re: Modern tire for my 1962 vette

            I don't think 62s had 2" whitewalls. I think they were 7/8" wide.
            Kind Regards


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