1957 corvette 270 hp oil pan capacity - NCRS Discussion Boards

1957 corvette 270 hp oil pan capacity

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  • Roy A.
    • January 19, 2015
    • 17

    1957 corvette 270 hp oil pan capacity

    I am rebuilding a 283 cu in - 270 hp vette engine and would like to make sure I have installed the proper amount of oil. I have been told by some that it is 5qts and one more for the filter. I have also been told it is 4qts and one for the filter. If I go by my oil dip stick it would be 5qts and one for the filter. Please advise. Thanks Roy
  • Rod K.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 31, 1990
    • 439

    Re: 1957 corvette 270 hp oil pan capacity

    Original, correct pan would hold 5 qts plus 1 for the filter. If, by some chance it has a pass pan, it would be 4 qts in the pan. Corvette pan (5 qts) has a longer sump, otherwise same depth, etc., as a pass pan and they look a lot alike except for the length of the sump. Also, pass pan will have an indentation each side parallel to the crank C/L inside the bends where the front of the sump levels into the second step, whereas Corvette pans have a smoother bend w/o the indents.


    • Gary C.
      • October 1, 1982
      • 17457

      Re: 1957 corvette 270 hp oil pan capacity

      Good description of the '57 oil pan Rod.

      Roy, there is a good description and photos of a '57 oil pan in the 56-7 Judging Manual.

      NCRS Texas Chapter



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