My 65 non radio car has a paper stop lamp capacitor on the brake support bracket . It was in the cad plated clamp but never had the screw that holds it tight to the clamp . The dont think the wires were ever hooked up . Did this capacitor do anything else ? The car also had one front wheel hub static collector and a capacitor on the heater blower motor . photo is the radio area of the dash .DSCN1154.jpgDSCN1156.jpgDSCN1158.jpgDSCN1160.jpg
1965 stop lamp switch paper capacitor
Re: 1965 stop lamp switch paper capacitor
My 65 non radio car has a paper stop lamp capacitor on the brake support bracket . It was in the cad plated clamp but never had the screw that holds it tight to the clamp . The dont think the wires were ever hooked up . Did this capacitor do anything else ? The car also had one front wheel hub static collector and a capacitor on the heater blower motor . photo is the radio area of the dash .[ATTACH=CONFIG]65050[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]65051[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]65052[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]65053[/ATTACH]
The capacitors were strictly for radio interference suppression purposes and had no other function. I'm not surprised that some non-radio cars received some of them.In Appreciation of John Hinckley- Top