Replace lower steering column bearing

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  • Mike J.
    • January 1, 1999
    • 2

    Replace lower steering column bearing

    Can I replace the lower steering column bearing on a early C3 without disassembling the complete Column?
  • Jim S.
    • September 1, 2001
    • 730

    Re: Replace lower steering column bearing

    You can disconnect the flex coupling nuts and then remove the steering gear from the frame. That will provide enough room to get at the lower bearing. However, it could very well be corroded in place and could be a real problem to remove it from the column jacket.

    I think that it would be far easier to remove the column from the car (leaving the steering gear in place). Now you will have complete access to the lower bearing. (It could be corroded in place.) This will also allow you to carefully inspect the steering column shaft, the condition of the lower bearing, etc.

    This paper describes how to remove the steering column from the car and replace the lower bearing. You will note that there is a lot of discussion about corrosion.



    • Patrick B.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • September 1, 1985
      • 1980

      Re: Replace lower steering column bearing

      JIm-- Do have any similar articles about 67 tele columns?


      • Jim S.
        • September 1, 2001
        • 730

        Re: Replace lower steering column bearing

        Originally posted by Patrick Boyd (9110)
        JIm-- Do have any similar articles about 67 tele columns?
        Yes, here is the link to two papers.


        • Patrick B.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • September 1, 1985
          • 1980

          Re: Replace lower steering column bearing

          thanks Jim


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