Teflon coated piston skirts - NCRS Discussion Boards

Teflon coated piston skirts

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  • Gary R.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 31, 1989
    • 1794

    Re: Teflon coated piston skirts

    I used the Teflon Hypers when I built my 350 8-9 years ago. Have 12k miles on the engine now no issues.


    • Mike T.
      Very Frequent User
      • August 31, 1979
      • 118

      Re: Teflon coated piston skirts

      Just got another question from my rebuilder.
      A bearing spun and scored the crank.
      I have to let him know if want him to turn it, or just get a new replacement crank.
      If it's a 1182 forged steel crank as opposed to a cast 2442, I should probably keep the original 1182 unless it's scored too badly, correct?


      • Duke W.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • December 31, 1992
        • 15524

        Re: Teflon coated piston skirts

        ...depends on how bad it is "scored". Post a photo.

        Light scoring might be polished out and you can get .001 oversize bearings to keep clearance in range.

        Normally when cranks are "ground" all journals are ground undersized - usually .010" or .020", but if only one journal is damaged to the point were grinding undersized is necessary, I don't see a problem grinding just the one journal.

        I don't know if the 1182 crank is Tufftrided, but grinding the journals removes the surface layer of very hard steel, so I don't recommend grinding Tufftrided cranks unless absolutely necessary. Grinding a Tufftrided crank reduces durability, but that may not be important if it's not going to be run up to high revs very often.

        You only described the engine as a "69 350", so we really don't know what it was originally or now, and you haven't described how you will us it.



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