Best spray paint for 1961 water pump and instrument cluster - NCRS Discussion Boards

Best spray paint for 1961 water pump and instrument cluster

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  • John G.
    • September 24, 2013
    • 245

    Best spray paint for 1961 water pump and instrument cluster

    I just got my "609 S4" water pump back from rebuild and it's clean bare metal. For a regular driver car is it best to use a primer such as an etch type and then engine orange or can I just spray it orange? Is there any of it that doesn't get painted (want to be NCRS correct)?

    I'm also removing the instrument cluster which has many layers of paint. Likely will have to take it all the way down. I believe the correct paint is PPG DDL 9300 lacquer with a PPG DP90LF primer but this is only a couple of square feet of paint. What are the best rattle can products for this?
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 31, 1988
    • 43160

    Re: Best spray paint for 1961 water pump and instrument cluster

    Originally posted by John Gammel (58994)
    I just got my "609 S4" water pump back from rebuild and it's clean bare metal. For a regular driver car is it best to use a primer such as an etch type and then engine orange or can I just spray it orange? Is there any of it that doesn't get painted (want to be NCRS correct)?

    I'm also removing the instrument cluster which has many layers of paint. Likely will have to take it all the way down. I believe the correct paint is PPG DDL 9300 lacquer with a PPG DP90LF primer but this is only a couple of square feet of paint. What are the best rattle can products for this?


    I do not recommend the use of primer on engine parts. If you use primer, the finish-painted product will appear too thick and smooth. There's no real advantage, either. Most engine paints are self-priming and will adhere quite well.

    As to what's the best, if you're just painting the waterpump, the best paint to use is the one that matches the rest of the engine. There are all sorts of "Chevrolet Orange" paints out there and no two of them are exactly alike.

    I can't advise on the best dash paint for a C1. However, I'm sure there is a SEM product that will work very well and available in spray can. I just don't know which one.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


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