Drive and half shaft restoration , 1963 - NCRS Discussion Boards

Drive and half shaft restoration , 1963

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  • Gene M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 31, 1985
    • 4232

    Re: Drive and half shaft restoration , 1963

    I suggest that a correct description of the drawn electric seam welded tubing be submitted to the team leaders and who ever works on the manuals. Keep in mind these are volunteers that in many cases do not have a manufacturing back ground. So they see nothing wrong with the description as they may never even visited plants of manufacturing.

    I'm sure there are persons visiting this site that are well versed in this type of process. I am not. I can offer that the welded seam tubing has become lesser of a demand due to the obvious advantages of seamless tubing.


    • Gary B.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • January 31, 1997
      • 6904

      Re: Drive and half shaft restoration , 1963


      I think that's a good suggestion. I think the suggested wording should be made by someone who is knowledgeable about the process as done in the 60s. Personally, I don't know what "electric seam welding" really is, nor do i know if it is the best language to use. If someone if familiar with tube welding terminology, then I say go for it. These kinds of wording changes should be done once, done right.



      • Alan D.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • December 31, 2004
        • 2020

        Re: Drive and half shaft restoration , 1963

        Did find an example of a 66 - 427, original. Think I took pictures at Regional NCRS show. It is a side exhaust car.
        So even in 66 blackout was still in use to some extent.
        Attached Files


        • Gary B.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • January 31, 1997
          • 6904

          Re: Drive and half shaft restoration , 1963


          Well that certainly adds to the confusion. The TIM&JG specifically refers to blackout paint on "undercar exhaust equipped cars". No mention of blackout paint presence on side exhaust cars.

          I thought the blackout paint was put on the mufflers on underbody exhaust to reduce the visibility of the mufflers. But that wouldn't be done on side exhaust cars. So, blackout wouldn't have been added just to blackout the half shafts. Then the question becomes, on the 66-427 car in your photo, was the car originally a side exhaust car? If not, that would explain the blackout on the half shafts.



          • Alan D.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • December 31, 2004
            • 2020

            Re: Drive and half shaft restoration , 1963

            Here is a little more info. Just found it so now we can nail down the car.
            Attached Files


            • Gary J.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • March 31, 1980
              • 1226

              Re: Drive and half shaft restoration , 1963

              Let's consider the score sheet. 5 points on originality and 5 points on condition. This for half shafts and driveshafts. So if the drive shafts and half have the wrong finish what are we looking at a couple of points deduct? Then you need to throw in if has the correct U joints or not.


              • Michael W.
                • March 31, 1997
                • 4290

                Re: Drive and half shaft restoration , 1963

                Originally posted by Gary Jaynes (3503)
                Let's consider the score sheet. 5 points on originality and 5 points on condition. This for half shafts and driveshafts. So if the drive shafts and half have the wrong finish what are we looking at a couple of points deduct? Then you need to throw in if has the correct U joints or not.

                refer to post #15


                • Gene M.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • March 31, 1985
                  • 4232

                  Re: Drive and half shaft restoration , 1963

                  Originally posted by Gary Beaupre (28818)

                  I think that's a good suggestion. I think the suggested wording should be made by someone who is knowledgeable about the process as done in the 60s. Personally, I don't know what "electric seam welding" really is, nor do i know if it is the best language to use. If someone if familiar with tube welding terminology, then I say go for it. These kinds of wording changes should be done once, done right.

                  I understand the volunteers are attempting to present a manual that could be understood by a wide spectrum of knowledge base. Each one sees things differently. My description would not be understood by most. But at a point in time that was a description used. So wording can be an issue.

                  The descriptions of screws and bolts is not consistent. Some times a bolt is referred to correctly by thread size others refer to the hex size which throws me off since that is not the standard by which bolts are defined. Understand there are "small head" (like fuel pump 3/8" bolt) bolts which are a special application. But getting all manuals to present information similar is going to be a monumental task IMO.


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