Yogi Berra 1925-2015 "It aini't over till it's over" - NCRS Discussion Boards

Yogi Berra 1925-2015 "It aini't over till it's over"

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  • Dan T.
    • February 28, 1979
    • 42

    Re: Yogi Berra 1925-2015 "It aini't over till it's over"

    I had the pleasure of meeting Yogi in Denver at a Baseball Card Show. I had him sign a Perez-Steele Hall of Fame card for me. Just chatted a couple of minutes, really a nice guy. Had a great life, not only in baseball but in every phase, He and his wife Carman we married for some 50 years. Some of his sons played professional baseball too. He will be missed.


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