Current thoughts on how often a stored Corvette should be started?

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  • Gene M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 1, 1985
    • 4232

    Re: Current thoughts on how often a stored Corvette should be started?

    Originally posted by Gary Ramadei (14833)
    Hi Duke
    I am certainly open to ideas. What is the advantage with changing the oil before storage, 3-4 months, vs at start up? I always drive the car for an hour before storing it and figured the oil really isn't "dirty" per say with 1-2k miles on it.
    IHO used cars sit under those conditions all the time, even outside. And they just start up and "drive away". It does seem that many "precautions" are over kill. Even 4 months is not that long to sit in a garage.


    • Michael W.
      • April 1, 1997
      • 4290

      Re: Current thoughts on how often a stored Corvette should be started?

      Oil tends to become more acidic with use mostly with contamination of combustion byproducts. If the oil is going to be changed anyway, it makes more sense to get the old oil out sooner rather than later.


      • Duke W.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • January 1, 1993
        • 15497

        Re: Current thoughts on how often a stored Corvette should be started?

        ...pretty much what Michael said. Oil change intervals are somewhat subjective. A well designed and properly functioning PCV system goes a long way in keeping the oil from becoming contaminated as does avoiding short trips. The engine should be at operating temperature for at least 15-20 minutes to boil out blowby contamination that occurs during warmup.

        Oil color is not necessarily an indication of oil quality. The darkening comes from oxidation, but the oil could be contaminated with fuel or become acidic without changing color.

        Modern CJ-4 has a much more oxidation resisitent blend of oil base stock oils and a much more robust additive package than any oil from decades ago, so that enables longer oil life, and parking/storing a car inside will prevent condensation from forming in the crankcase in a damp climate.

        If the above applies, going two years up to 2-3K miles is probably not unreasonable.



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