Sealing side reveal moulding and retainer - NCRS Discussion Boards

Sealing side reveal moulding and retainer

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  • Sheldon S.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 28, 1999
    • 470

    Sealing side reveal moulding and retainer

    I am just ready to reinstall the side reveal moulding and the weatherstrip retainer on my 71 roadster, I remember that there was a black sealing compound between the reveal moulding and the windshield pillar but not sure if there is a sealing compound between the reveal moulding and the weatherstrip retainer. I don,t see any in the AIM between them but want to make sure. It does show cement in the retainer, I assume for the weatherstrip itself. Can someone tell me what is correct for this location.

    Sheldon Sands
  • Mark E.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 31, 1993
    • 4467

    Re: Sealing side reveal moulding and retainer

    I can't help you directly, but look at the "similar threads"- there's a couple that discuss sealing the side reveal.
    Mark Edmondson
    Dallas, Texas
    Texas Chapter

    1970 Coupe, Donnybrooke Green, Light Saddle LS5 M20 A31 C60 G81 N37 N40 UA6 U79
    1993 Coupe, 40th Anniversary, 6-speed, PEG 1, FX3, CD, Bronze Top


    • Russ S.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • April 30, 1982
      • 2158

      Re: Sealing side reveal moulding and retainer

      It should have a sealer tape on the inside and the outside gets either sealer tape or a regular sealer. I am not sure which it had for sure on the outside.


      • Alan S.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • July 31, 1989
        • 3413

        Re: Sealing side reveal moulding and retainer

        Hi Sheldon.
        On my 71 (6589) there was a black sealer used between the reveal molding and the weatherstrip retainer that seemed to be very similar to the 3M Strip Sealer.
        The original sealer on my car had a 'string' in it and appeared to be the same sealer used to secure the vapor barrier in place that's under the door interior trim panels which also had a string in it.

        71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
        Mason Dixon Chapter
        Chapter Top Flight October 2011


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