Gary-Ramadei - 2015 Carlisle Seminar - NCRS Discussion Boards

Gary-Ramadei - 2015 Carlisle Seminar

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  • David H.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • June 30, 2001
    • 1451

    Gary-Ramadei - 2015 Carlisle Seminar

    Gary, thanks - you did your usual fine job with an informative presentation. I appreciate your insights and examples of poor workmanship and parts. Scarry, but very helpful.

    Judging Chairman Mid-Way USA (Kansas) Chapter
  • Gary R.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 31, 1989
    • 1794

    Re: Gary-Ramadei - 2015 Carlisle Seminar

    Hi Dave
    Thank you for your feed back. There was a glitch and my "ride" didn't get me there so I had to have my son get me there on time using our truck. Not a big deal since I made it and set up. The one thing I wish I had was a wireless mic so I could reach all without losing my voice. All in all I think it went well and I do appreciate you taking the time to let me know. If there are others out there that attended and would like give feedback that would be great. I did see some familiar faces in the room. Another year come and gone!



    • Dan B.
      • July 13, 2011
      • 545

      Re: Gary-Ramadei - 2015 Carlisle Seminar

      I was a fly on the wall looking in, tight on time as I was just there for the day, did not get a chance to say hi as you were busy, but you did your usual great job ! THUMBS UP, Dan


      • Tom D.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • September 30, 1981
        • 2110

        Re: Gary-Ramadei - 2015 Carlisle Seminar

        I thought you were very informative, and freely sharing information that others might keep. THANKS!
        Michigan Chapter
        Tom Dingman


        • Gary R.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • March 31, 1989
          • 1794

          Re: Gary-Ramadei - 2015 Carlisle Seminar

          Hi Dan, Tom
          I'm glad you stopped by and enjoyed the time. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to speak to directly. I looked up and the room was full and I wanted to leave time for those interested to come up to the table to check out the parts on display. I kind of got swamped, as usual, but that was ok.

          Of course you guys were at my shop so you got private seminars! Another year flew by.

          Thank you


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