1964 L84 camshaft question - NCRS Discussion Boards

1964 L84 camshaft question

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  • George C.
    Infrequent User
    • December 31, 1993
    • 3

    1964 L84 camshaft question

    Can someone advise me as to a currently available correct replacement camshaft for a 1964 L84 F.I. engine, and who might carry it? Thanks for any enlightenment on this subject.

  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 31, 1988
    • 43160

    Re: 1964 L84 camshaft question

    Originally posted by George Camp (23854)
    Can someone advise me as to a currently available correct replacement camshaft for a 1964 L84 F.I. engine, and who might carry it? Thanks for any enlightenment on this subject.



    Assuming you're wanting the exact original camshaft, GM #3849346, Crane used to make it under their part number 967251. I don't know if they still do, though.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • John D.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • November 30, 1979
      • 5507

      Re: 1964 L84 camshaft question

      Hi George, I believe I might have given you this info.
      Part # CS118R Lifters AT992. Sold by Federal Mogul. The CS118R is the 30-30 cam. The CS113R is the 097 cam so make sure you get the right one. John D.


      • George C.
        Infrequent User
        • December 31, 1993
        • 3

        Re: 1964 L84 camshaft question

        Originally posted by John DeGregory (2855)
        Hi George, I believe I might have given you this info.
        Part # CS118R Lifters AT992. Sold by Federal Mogul. The CS118R is the 30-30 cam. The CS113R is the 097 cam so make sure you get the right one. John D.

        Hi John;
        Yes you did give me the info previously-I seem to have lost it and couldn't remember what you told me! Thanks; I'm printing it out this time. Finally getting engine back together. George C.


        • George C.
          Infrequent User
          • December 31, 1993
          • 3

          Re: 1964 L84 camshaft question

          Originally posted by Joe Lucia (12484)

          Assuming you're wanting the exact original camshaft, GM #3849346, Crane used to make it under their part number 967251. I don't know if they still do, though.
          Thanks, Joe- I appreciate the help.


          • Duke W.
            Beyond Control Poster
            • December 31, 1992
            • 15526

            Re: 1964 L84 camshaft question

            For years I've recommended replacing the torque-shy 30-30 cam with the LT-1 cam (Federal Mogul/Speed Pro CS1145R), and no one has ever been disappointed - more low end torque and about the same top end power and idle behavior.

            If you want "more power" massage the heads and you'll have close to 300 SAE corrected RWHP, and a useable power bandwidth to 7200 using the second design SB valve springs (Federal Mogul/Sealed Power VS-677).

            I call the configuration "327 LT-1"... lots of discussion here and on the Corvette Forum with all the system engineering analysis and both lab and chassis dyno tests.

            And don't forget to replace those spindly, prone to failure, early 327 connecting rods with a set of Eagle SIR5700 rods. For about 250 bucks it's the cheapest insurance policy you'll ever buy.



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