1978 Pace Car L82 Barn find with 20 miles - Caliper build - rebuild - replace? - NCRS Discussion Boards

1978 Pace Car L82 Barn find with 20 miles - Caliper build - rebuild - replace?

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  • Stuart F.
    • August 31, 1996
    • 4676

    Re: 1978 Pace Car L82 Barn find with 20 miles - Caliper build - rebuild - replace?

    My son has owned and upgraded at least five 78 Pace Cars over the past two or three years. Some of the best ones were those that had more miles on them. The worst ones were the real low mileage cars. It all depends on how good they were when they left the factory in 78. All had had their paint touched up to some degree or another. Some that sat over the years had the worst seam separations. Regardless of their mileage or condition, there are only a few that will bring good return on investment.

    One car looked real nice such that we figured it would be safe to drive it home from Tampa to Orlando. On the very first braking stop, one caliper hung up and wouldn't release. There was no sign of any leaks, but those pesky hoses deteriorate allowing the inner liner (Teflon?) to break down and turn the hose into a check valve. It passed brake fluid pressure into the caliper, but then would not let it release pressure back to the master.

    Stu Fox


    • Harvey K.
      • August 11, 2015
      • 6

      Re: 1978 Pace Car L82 Barn find with 20 miles - Caliper build - rebuild - replace?

      Thanks everyone for your inputs. Greatly appreciated.


      • Reba W.
        Very Frequent User
        • June 30, 1985
        • 929

        Re: 1978 Pace Car L82 Barn find with 20 miles - Caliper build - rebuild - replace?

        I don't know what part of Texas you call home and yes, I know one part of Texas can be a l-o-n-g way from the next. But there is an NCRS regional in the Dallas area in October. If that is doable, why not bring the car in its present condition and have it evaluated before you do things that cannot be undone. The Bowtie Award is one of the most prestigious ones in NCRS.


        • Harvey K.
          • August 11, 2015
          • 6

          Re: 1978 Pace Car L82 Barn find with 20 miles - Caliper build - rebuild - replace?


          I saw that it is in Frisco this year. I live about 15 minutes from there.

          I looked at that a few months back but it looked like the judging times were pretty much gone.

          I will check and see. If nothing else, they would tell me what and what not to do.


          • Michael J.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • January 26, 2009
            • 7045

            Re: 1978 Pace Car L82 Barn find with 20 miles - Caliper build - rebuild - replace?

            I would get hold of David King, he is one of the main contacts for organizing the Lone Star Regional. There are usually not that many '78-'82s entered for flight judging, hopefully you could get a flight judging slot. Good luck.
            Big Tanks In the High Mountains of New Mexico


            • Joe L.
              Beyond Control Poster
              • January 31, 1988
              • 43160

              Re: 1978 Pace Car L82 Barn find with 20 miles - Caliper build - rebuild - replace?

              Originally posted by Harvey King (61477)
              Thanks Bill. I did rebuild them all and the master cylinder. One caliper has more pitting so I'm trying to decide to put a stainless steel sleeve in it, or keep it and just get a replacement. Next year I'm looking to get it judged.


              Here's the deal on caliper and master cylinder bores: if there exists ANY pitting, AT ALL, the bore needs to be sleeved. You may have gotten away with it with the rebuild of some of your calipers but even if you did, it will be short-lived. The bores of the calipers and master cylinder need to be virtually perfect for durable, leak free operation over the long term. That means NO bore pitting. Also, I do not recommend any sort of bore honing to clean up mild pitting. Any honing increases the bore OD, albeit ever so slightly. Nevertheless, brake system pressures are too high to accommodate even minimal overbore.

              I'd send your calipers to a reputable brake rebuilder for sleeving. Tell them that you don't want the calipers painted and you don't want any grinding on the external calipers (something often done to provide a flat surface for rebuilder ID stamping). In fact, if you wish, tell them to just sleeve the calipers and return the caliper halves to you for your own rebuilding.

              Another important point: the caliper pistons must be in perfect condition, especially as it relates to the major diameter. If there is ANY wear-through of the anodize on the major diameter OR if there is ANY corrosion or pitting, regardless of how minor, on the major diameter, the piston is scrap. Period.
              In Appreciation of John Hinckley


              • Gene M.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • March 31, 1985
                • 4232

                Re: 1978 Pace Car L82 Barn find with 20 miles - Caliper build - rebuild - replace?

                If you can't drive a car what good is it? The bowtie path is cool but if it don't drive the thrill is gone. Just using it for flight or bowtie judging because it won't drive just relegates it to a parking spot in the garage and a ride in the trailer. Even a short ride to the local cruise in is more fun. IMO making a car road worthy and maintaining so it is, is what this hobby is all about. And keeping it as original as possible is the tuff part. I prefer to restore/repair original parts to using repop stuff. But I do draw the line on things like tires, gas tanks, fuel lines, brake lines, and hoses. Just replace those items.


                • Tom R.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • June 30, 1993
                  • 4067

                  Re: 1978 Pace Car L82 Barn find with 20 miles - Caliper build - rebuild - replace?

                  Originally posted by Harvey King (61477)
                  will it still qualify as BOWTIE if I re-sleeve it and use O-ring seals instead of Lip Seal?
                  Brakes are a must, and a safety issue. Once your brake system has issues, then it is time to take care of all components. So as suggested above, (i.e., Joe Lucia) have calipers and M/C bored, sleeved and O-rings are you best bet. Judging will only entail that which can be seen and we look at the finish and configuration. Bowtie is pass fail and looks for originality so in the case of M/C, it has the configuration, date code, etc that will be looked at. Lot of knowledgable folks above passed along very practical information.

                  I went through this with my 78 (anniversary and Pace Car) and once calipers were sleeved with new seals, it wasn't two years until the master cylinder had to be tended to. I drove my 78 from Myrtle Beach to St Louis for Bowtie judging, then onto Hershey, Nashville on those brake system. Lots of miles and it performed as we expect it to.

                  So what's your VIN? You mention its an L82...four-speed?
                  Tom Russo

                  78 SA NCRS 5 Star Bowtie
                  78 Pace Car L82 M21
                  00 MY/TR/Conv


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