accelerator pump not discharging - NCRS Discussion Boards

accelerator pump not discharging

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  • Kevin B.
    • June 30, 2004
    • 36

    accelerator pump not discharging

    Just re-installed my Model 4160, list 3367 Holley on my '66 L79. After several small gas leaks at the fuel line / primary bowl inlet was able to fire up and run at ~650-750 rpm. Actually sounded quiete smooth. Repeat start ups were easy and a joy to start. Issue is the accelerator pump does not discharge. Nothing. Nada. Adjustment to cam lever useless. Does not appear there is any resistance against the pump's lever. I questioned whether I put the pump back together correctly. I used carb cleaner to clean out all ports and blew out every hole I could find with an air compressor. Not sure if there's a clog or what happened. I used a new accelerator pump diaphragm and original spring. Could the accelerator pump be over compress and stuck 'closed' thus not allowing any gas inside, or could the discharge nozzle be clogged up? Not sure where to begin but hate to remove the carb because I finally got it to stop leaking gas. If I need to remove the carb to disassemble the accelerator pump do I need to disassemble the primary fuel bowl? If so do I need to use new gaskets to do this?
    Tried checking the archives for similar issues but no luck. Can't believe I'm the first one to experience this.
    I was able to drive the car back 'n' forth in the drive way. All else seems good.
    Any suggestions?
  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • November 30, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: accelerator pump not discharging

    Originally posted by Kevin Brooks (42260)
    Just re-installed my Model 4160, list 3367 Holley on my '66 L79. After several small gas leaks at the fuel line / primary bowl inlet was able to fire up and run at ~650-750 rpm. Actually sounded quiete smooth. Repeat start ups were easy and a joy to start. Issue is the accelerator pump does not discharge. Nothing. Nada. Adjustment to cam lever useless. Does not appear there is any resistance against the pump's lever. I questioned whether I put the pump back together correctly. I used carb cleaner to clean out all ports and blew out every hole I could find with an air compressor. Not sure if there's a clog or what happened. I used a new accelerator pump diaphragm and original spring. Could the accelerator pump be over compress and stuck 'closed' thus not allowing any gas inside, or could the discharge nozzle be clogged up? Not sure where to begin but hate to remove the carb because I finally got it to stop leaking gas. If I need to remove the carb to disassemble the accelerator pump do I need to disassemble the primary fuel bowl? If so do I need to use new gaskets to do this?
    Tried checking the archives for similar issues but no luck. Can't believe I'm the first one to experience this.
    I was able to drive the car back 'n' forth in the drive way. All else seems good.
    Any suggestions?
    Kevin -

    When you did the .015" throttle arm-to-pump lever clearance adjustment, did you hold the throttle lever fully at the wide-open throttle position? It MUST be done that way, or you won't get an instantaneous pump shot with the slightest movement of the throttle linkage.


    • Kevin B.
      • June 30, 2004
      • 36

      Re: accelerator pump not discharging

      Since there was no discharge at all over the entire travel of the accelerator pump lever adjustment with a feeler gauge was irrelevant.
      To answer my own question I investigated by removing the entire carburetor, emptied the gas and flipped it over. The spring to the accelerator pump was plainly seen. After removing the pump's cover I carefully reinstalled it on the opposite side of the diaphram. Works great now.


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