1967 roadster pillar weatherstrip

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  • Robert D.
    Very Frequent User
    • April 1, 2003
    • 304

    1967 roadster pillar weatherstrip

    i installed a new nos weatherstrip on the pillar of my car. the rubber sticks up about 1 inch higher than the pillar. at what level do you trim it i suspect it needs to be trimmed? and just cut it with a razor? any help would be appreciated
  • Jim S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 1, 1986
    • 1384

    Re: 1967 roadster pillar weatherstrip

    Actually Robert , I think the one inch over is just about correct. I have not got to mine yet , but I thought I remember reading how it is supposed to go beyond the edge , however most repo ones don't .

    Try a few archive searches .



    • Ed S.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • August 7, 2014
      • 1369

      Re: 1967 roadster pillar weatherstrip

      Robert - don't know if you are having the same problem I had (still do) - and apparently a lot of others have - with vent window weather stripping but..... to follow Jim's recommendation (try a few archive searches) .... I invite you to read the comments in this thread regarding vent window WS in a C2 convertible that I initiated a few weeks ago. Among other things, as I recall, the notion of cutting material away with a razor was not recommended as it would be very difficult to get a long straight cut and.... the remaining rubber likely would not make for a proper seal. Please let us know if you find a solution to the problem



      • Robert D.
        Very Frequent User
        • April 1, 2003
        • 304

        Re: 1967 roadster pillar weatherstrip

        Thanx Ed but my issue is not with the ven window weatherstrip its with the hinge pillar weatherstrip it sticks up about an inch past the top of the edge of the pillar i did a search and did not get an answer either.

        Jim if the weatherstrip is supposed to extend this far is the top supposed to close on top of it? does it get folded over the aim does not clearify this?




        • Timothy B.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • May 1, 1983
          • 5172

          Re: 1967 roadster pillar weatherstrip

          A long time ago when I encountered this issue with the NOS pillar weatherstrip on my 67 I bent it over and glued it. It's still there today going strong, lets see what others say because I feel confident that's the correct way to install. I can't remember if I used 3M super weatherstrip adhesive or contact cement.


          • Jim S.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • March 1, 1986
            • 1384

            Re: 1967 roadster pillar weatherstrip


            No wonder I remembered it . I started the post ! It wasn't about the weather strip , but it soon turned to that .
            Thread: C2 Hinge pillar retainer


            • Robert D.
              Very Frequent User
              • April 1, 2003
              • 304

              Re: 1967 roadster pillar weatherstrip

              I saw that thanx Jim what do you do with the piece that sticks up is it folded over and glued i cant imagine it would last very long sticking in the air LOL


              • Jim S.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • March 1, 1986
                • 1384

                Re: 1967 roadster pillar weatherstrip

                Originally posted by Robert DeFalco (39668)
                I saw that thanx Jim what do you do with the piece that sticks up is it folded over and glued i cant imagine it would last very long sticking in the air LOL
                I don't know . So far Timothy is the only person who has commented on that. And mine doesn't extend past the top .



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