Shifter Assembly Lube

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  • Patrick B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 1, 1985
    • 1980

    Shifter Assembly Lube

    Is regular wheel bearing/chassis grease the right lube to grease the shifter plates during re-assembly?
  • Mike T.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 1, 1992
    • 563

    Re: Shifter Assembly Lube

    Pat - I've got a couple different types of wheel bearing grease, the synthetic Mobil 1 is a bit on the thick more firm side, the other generic brand wheel bearing grease for disc brakes is noticeably thinner but in the end, I have used Lubriplate 105 which is quite thin but seems to work fine. It's a thin white grease.
    Mike T. - Prescott AZ.


    • Edward B.
      Very Frequent User
      • January 1, 1988
      • 537

      Re: Shifter Assembly Lube

      I've alocations.ways used Lubriplate in like appl


      • Gene M.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • April 1, 1985
        • 4232

        Re: Shifter Assembly Lube

        The red wheel bearing grease for boat trailers is what I use. A thin light film is all you need so no build of of crud and road dirt collects on the grease. I would imagine any grease would work if used lightly between sliding surfaces so as not to attract a build up of foreign crud.


        • Joe R.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • August 1, 1976
          • 4546

          Re: Shifter Assembly Lube

          Lubriplate is a white lithium that works very over the short term. After a time the white lithium hardens and attracts dust, dirt and grime to the point it no longer retains any lubrication properties. I have serviced many headlight motors for C2's along with many WW motors and found the white lithium hardened to the point the motors no longer were serviceable as intended.
          Now we have synthetic lubricants such as Mobil 1 has introduced and should take the advantages of those advances.
          Unless of course you enjoy seeing one headlight loose the race to pop up every time!


          • Alan D.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • January 1, 2005
            • 2016

            Re: Shifter Assembly Lube

            Second on Joe Ray experiences. Lots of very good synthetic lubs out their now, take advantage of technology.


            • Patrick B.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • September 1, 1985
              • 1980

              Re: Shifter Assembly Lube

              Thanks guys, I guess red Mobil 1 wheel bearing/chassis lube used sparingly would fit the consensus of suggestions.


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